Chapter 16 : Dinner with Peter

Start from the beginning

I pulled away and sat back

"you didn't know who's it?"

"well . I don't remember you mentioning his name"

"uhh..well he's the one you think have seen somewhere" I said biting my lower lip

she asked with wide eyes "oh my gosh ! the one we saw at the café?"

I nodded yes

" Grace he's so hot" she squealed

I sighed and said "I know...he is and I'm not like him , as hot as Chris"

She smirked and said "So his name is Chris, well sure he's hot but your hotter than him. Go for this guy"

"yeah , but do you think he likes me back?"

"just wait and the things would get clearer itself. Go with the flow and have fun" she said with a smile.

I nodded and said "thank you Jill, you're my best friend ever. I don't remember talking with anyone in these years "

She smile and said " no need to thank babe! I already consider you my best friend and besties don't thank each other"

We both giggled and she said " by the way I'll not be here tonight. Tom and me , we both are going somewhere he's planned"

I smiled and said " have fun and dress sexy"

She smiled and rushed towards her closet.


It has been a week since I saw him last in the café , we haven't met in any of these days but I miss him like hell. God I never wanted me to be as desperate as those girls. But every time I sit my mind starts wandering what he said 'I'll see you soon'.

Sure we talk with each other via text sometimes and he called once telling me that he's in Greece for some of his works but still, I feel like he might not be thinking me the same way I think for him, that's why he's not meeting up. I start thinking again that I'm not as pretty as he wants, but suddenly I recall what he said' I don't like sharing anything that's mine'. He hasn't ever said anything to me clearly but I always get incline towards him. I just want it to make clear about us. About what are we.

What does he think of me.

I console myself saying he might be busy with his work. It's just normal for me nowadays , more than my studies and class, he captivates my mind.

I was munching my food in cafeteria alone , because Jill went out with Tom during the lunch break, he picks her up often. Although Kathy asked me to join her with all her friends that includes 20 people in total, but I found it awkward as I never talked to any of them , so I told her I was good like this.

"can I sit here?" I heard a voice that made me stop eating my pizza .

I flipped my head up and saw a boy with red hair, green eyes wearing a blue sweater .

I smiled and said "sure " and continued eating my pizza.

"My name is Peter " he said while looking at me with a smile. He never took a bite of the food in his plate and looked at me with a smile.

"Hey! I'm Grace by the way"

He chuckled and said "I know very well, the valedictorian from Mr. Richardson's class is always famous"

I smiled as he gave me an appreciation for my marks.

"why are you sitting alone by the way?"

"uhh.. I like sitting alone " I shrugged

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