"N-no I.. he's away" I lied biting my bottom lip as she turned silent as I was unable to look up to her face

She just hummed but let it be before a white floral handkerchief entered my vision

"Y-your crying..." she whispered "you can have my hanky... my nan nan said it always help rub cry— waters off"

Nan nan?

Did she meant tears?

Shyly I reached out and take her hanky mumbling a small thank you which she just nod multiple times

Wiping my tears I sniffle quietly before looking up to her once more

"I like your eyes Yana" I blurt out

But I can't see?

Or can I?

"Oh? I like yours... they look shiny like the darker kind of... gold on my mama's earrings" she rambled leaning forward

"You forgot to tell me your number 2 name."

Scratching my head I think on how to shorten my name like I did to hers

"Rafae—" I whipsered "y-you..you can call me Rafa" My voice came out small and quiet while I swing my legs back and forth

"Rafa... Yana, it sound the same don't you think Rafa?" She beamed looking up the sun covered by the tree and copied my swinging legs

"Rafa You shou—"

"Lia!" A manly voice shouted almost frantically "Lia that's enough hide and seek malishka!"

I heard Yana gasp beside me as she shuffled to her seat on the branch

"Ooh! Its mi papa?" She asked surprised then turned to me "you should meet him... he's nice... I think?"

"U-uh its okay—"

"Lia! There you are!" We turned to the sound of heard heavy footsteps and found a handsome scary frowning man with grey stormy eyes "I have another meeting this hour then your nan nan said that you we're missing and—" he sighed as his eyes settle on our position "Do not move and I'll come get you two"

I felt large hands around me making me gasp when I felt myself being lifted off of the tree branch and into the ground

Looking up I met Yana's papa's suspicious stormy grey eyes feeling bashlful at the intensity of his stare

He looked like he could to eat me

He stood up to his full height like the tree and grab Yana's squirming form before giggling when she latched her little body to her papa

"You scared me." His papa whispered lowly as he steady Yana in his arms "mama will have my head for the dress you ruined and you should not ran off from your nan nan and Ceasar like that"


"Papa! I made a friend!" She yelled at his papa and turned him to my direction "that's Rafa.. isn't he adorable yes?"

My eyes widen when his papa's eyebrows raised in not so friendly way before it was slapped off by Yana

"Papa stop scaring him, he's nice" she scolds as I awkwardly shuffle on my feet "His name is Rafa and from now on my name is Yana"

"You can't change your name flease..." her papa whispered amusely before crouching down to me with Yana still on his arms "hey Rafa... I saw your mom inside that cafe looking for you"

I turn to the direction he pointed and nodded as I fiddle with my tied up hair

"O-oh... thank you m-mister I-I better go find my mom, i-its nice meeting you Yana" I smiled at Yana before nodding at her papa "you too uh-.."

He nodded at me stiffly as I turn on my little feet to the direction of the cafe where my mom is probably done buying cupcakes we'll be giving Timmy

"Wait! Rafa!"

I turn around and found her running after me her face that once blurry became slightly visible but the only thing I could make up was big pretty grey... what are those?

"I'll be seeing you around yes?" She asked her face becoming blurry again "you have my hanky you have to give it back yes?"

Blinking at her unsurely


"Great!" She chirped before grabbing her papa's awaiting hand "I'm going to miss you Rafa!"

"Bye.." I trailed off as her little waving hands is out of vision

Yana... yana... who is yana again?


"The oxygen mask! hurry!"

"He's starting to lose conscious"

"Hey hey stay awake!"

I heard like a gun going off at a distance

Then a needle peircing my skin

It sting a little

I can't breath

I need mom... mom always know what to do

Yana needs me... I didn't say goodbye...

Yana... I'm sorry for leaving you alone.... I'm sorry for breaking my promise

A flash of her adorably smiling bubbly baby features made my heart sting for a moment

Then Darkness..

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