Chapter 6

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Trey's P.O.V.

'Hey Chris,' I hummed nervously as I examined my deck sprawled across the table. 'Hasn't Thomas been gone for awhile? Do you think something happened?' Quinton turned and looked towards me from across the room. He was in he middle of fidgeting with some machinery and though he usually worked downstairs, I requested he stay upstairs for now. I figured it's be the best for the both of us; him so he could get out of his head and me so to make sure he didn't faint. His damaged sleep schedule left him fueled solely by coffee and tea, which has been worrying me for quite a while now. He kept ignoring my attempts to get him to rest so this was better than the alternative of him collapsing and hurting himself further.

'While he is prone to danger, I doubt it. He most likely just got distracted or something. And besides, Dumon is on watch today. Don't worry Michael.' I shrugged. He's probably right. Leaning on the table slightly, I decided to go back to focus on my deck for now.

We both get lost in our activities for awhile just enjoying the peaceful calm unusual in this household. The time passed rather quickly with a steady conversation flow, and in no time, it was almost half past 1. I am growing tired, but it's been awhile since I've talked to Quinton and I've decided to stay up until Quattro gets back. Going through topics like cards and jobs - all in all, it's kinda nice. Quinton looking relaxed for once? Definitely a change of pace. Our subject of conversation eventally turned to null and soon I decide to switch to mindlessly scrolling on my d-pad, brother doing the same. A comfortable quiet set in for few minutes before being pierced by a familiar ringing.

"A phone call?" Quinton questioned and we made eye contact before he picked up. "Hey- what? Rio? I don't underst- ok. Ok. Calm down... yes, yes. Ok, we'll be there shortly. Thanks." He hung up and walked past me. "Quattro is in the hospital. Come if you want, but either way we are going now." I nod and follow him to the car. Getting in the passenger seat, I decide to let him drive. The trip to the hospital went fast and completely silent; with an almost icy atmosphere. What has he done now? I fiddle with my hands anxiously and I can see our destination in the distance.
We pulled up to the hospital and hopped out of the car. Slamming the door loudly, we make our way inside. Greeted with a warm welcome by the receptionist, Quinton nods in her direction and asks for where Thomas was. Giving her answer, the woman asks if they need further information. Shaking our heads we decline and thank her anyways. The first thing you see when entering the room was a hospital bed and monitors. A few people were near the bed; Rio standing near him, holding his hand as a few people assess him. She looks up as she noticed the door opened and her eyes are teary and glossed over. Saying a polite 'hello' she tries to step away, only for brothers grip to tighten as best as it could. We walk towards him and I can already see Quinton's lecture forming in the others head. Quattro was not in a good condition to say the least.

"What happened? Does he have any injuries?" Rio gestured to the man before them.

"From what I could tell, he... he was dueling someone. Couldn't see him that well. He had a cloak and at this time of night it would've been hard anyways. I was walking around and I saw them by the lakeside. The man wanted something from him - I don't really know what - but whatever it is it's important. He apparently used duel anchors and honestly looked pretty serious about this. I... I got there after it already began. Quattro already was having a rough time. I don't know. There was an explosion at the end. Dumon showed up but the man was gone by then. Dumon called am ambulance and went to go see if the man was nearby. I haven't heard from him since. I know the man mentioned something about a Michael though before he left... Medical-wise from what we can tell he has a concussion and quite a few other injuries on top of that. It looks like he may come out overall ok but it's still too soon to know for sure."

I look up at Chris and he hums quietly.

"Do you think this has to do with the others?" Rio's eyes turn stormy again and her whole composure changes.


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