Diavolo x Maid!Reader

Start from the beginning

Diavolo's POV

" Ugh. All of this paperwork is so boring. I guess I know how Lucifer feels now." I said. I looked at the clock. " 11:30am. It's been two hours and I'm not even halfway done. Ugh." I said. I slammed my head on my desk. " I wonder what Y/N is doing right now. Probably her job." I thought. My thoughts continued to drift to Y/N. Her H/C hair and her E/C eyes. She's also really sexy in her maid outfit. " Mhm. Y/N." I said. I then heard a scream. It startled me and caused me to knock the paperwork on the floor. I ran to the source of the scream to find Y/N.


I let out a scream. " I'm so dead! I'm so dead!" I said. " Y/N! What happened?" Someone asked. I turned to see Diavolo. " Master! I don't know what went wrong. I did everything Barbatos asked but your outfits shrunk and turned pink. I'm so sorry." I said. I began to cry. But then I felt Diavolo wipe my tears off my face.

" Don't cry. It's okay. I'll just have the royal seamstress make me some more. Plus, Satan found a female cat near the House of Lamentation. I'll give these outfits to him to use for the cat." Diavolo said with a smile. I smiled as well. " But..." Diavolo started. He hugged me. " I don't like worrying about you. When you screamed, I thought something terrible happened. Don't every scare me like that again." Daivolo said. " Alright Master. I won't." I said. But then, something unexpected happened.

Diavolo kissed me. I was so in shock that I didn't kiss back. Diavolo noticed that and pulled away. He then backed away towards the door. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He said. He then ran out of the room with tears streaming down his face.

Diavolo's POV

I punched one of the many trees in the garden. I was also crying. " Dammit. Why did I do that? I should've known Y/N didn't feel the same." I said. I kissed Y/N and she didn't kiss back. I feel so stupid. "Y/N. I'm sorry. I should've known you didn't love me." I said. I then heard another scream. I knew it was Y/N. But this scream sounded more intense. I knew something was wrong. I looked around for Y/N. I then saw her at the edge of the lake. She was in trouble.


I couldn't breathe. " It's always Y/N. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. You always get the spotlight. Even though I'm the head maid. And even in all my attempts to make you look bad throughout your time here, you've always been his favorite." Someone said. I looked to see Dina. She was in her demon form. I didn't have enough strength to transform into mine. " What's...your problem?" I asked. " My problem is you. Just die already!" Dina said.

She plunged me into the lake and held me under he water. I could feel my body becoming numb. My vision faded to black.


" What do we do?" My father said. " I don't know. We can't let Y/N to get hurt. I don't want her to die as well." My mother said." Okay. It's settled. We'll take her there tomorrow." My father said. I heard their conversation while I was eavesdropping. The next day, my parents took me to an orphanage. " You'll be staying here until we come back from our business trip Y/N. We love you and we'll see you again." My mother said. My parents gave me a hug and drove away.


" Ugh." I said as one of the school bullies pushed me to the ground. " You're such a weakling. Maybe that's why your parents abandoned you." He said. " Stop it! They'll be back for me." I said.
He kicked me in the face. " Don't you think they would've been back for you by now? You're such a weak idiot. Just die already." He said.


" Did you hear that Y/N is at the lowest rank of any demon?" Someone in the crowd said. " Stop it." I thought. " So weak. Do you think that's why her parents abandoned her?" Someone else said. " Stop it." I thought. " If I was in her position, I would've killed myself a long time ago." Another said. " Stop it! I SAID STOP IT!" I thought.

End of Flashback

I've always thought about dying. My life's been a shit show and I can't seem to make it better. I started to let go of my breath and accept my fate. " Everyone's right. I should just die." I thought. But right beofre I let go of my last breath, thoughts of Diavolo filled my head. His smile, the way he laughed, his childlike demeanor, and the kiss. Being around him made me fell happy again.

" No. I can't die yet. I want to be with him. I need to live!" I thought. I then grabbed Dina's collar and forced her under. This time, I had the upper hand. I held her down before someone pulled me away. I looked up to see Diavolo. " Guards. Take her to the dungeon." He said to his guards. They took Dina to the dungeon.

" Y/N. Are you okay?" He asked. I started crying. " Just take me inside. I'm cold." I said as I clung onto him. He nodded, picked me up bridal style, and brought me into the castle. We went to his room and he gave me one of his shirts to wear. He also brewed some tea.

" This is one of my favorites. I hope you liked it." He said. I took a sip. But it tasted terrible.
" Haha. Sorry. I'm not good at brewing tea. Barbatos usually does it. But I do want to learn things that other demons my age know how to do. Like how to cook and clean and wash clothes and other stuff." He said.

I gave a little chuckle. " So what was that all about?" He asked me. " Dina was jealous of me. She said that I've always been your favorite. Every clumsy moment and all the stuff that happened today was because of her. The recipes, the clothes. It was all her. And she almost killed me. If you didn't show up. I would've killed her." I said.

" I'm glad I came. But you didn't seem like you wanted to fight back." Diavolo said. " Yeah. I almost gave into death. My life has been a shit show. My parents abandoned me because they were in danger. But they never told me that. So I went on believing that they abandoned me. I was also bullied because I was so weak. I've been told to die my whole life. I was about to when thought of you came rushing into my head. You gave me a reason to live Diavolo." I said.

Tears of joy were running down my face. " I happy that I gave you a reason to live. And I'm sorry about the kiss. I shouldn't have-" I cut him off by kissing him. " Just shut up and kiss me." I said. He smiled. " All right." He said. He kissed me again with more passion. Our kissing went deep into the night and we ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.

Barbatos' POV

" That was a really long trip. At least the place isn't on fire." I said. I just got back from my trip with the Demon King. It seems like the castle ran good without me. But there were some flaws. Like the pink outfits I found in a box that said " For the cat behind the House of Lamentation".

I decided to go see how my master was doing. " Master? It's me. Are you asleep?" I asked. What I saw made me smile. Diavolo and Y/N were asleep together. It also seemed like they had a bit of intimacy while they were alone. " Sate, sate, sate. I guess my plan worked after all." I said.


" You want to go with my father on his trip? Why?" My master asked. " I think that I should show him around the place since that's where I grew up. I also want you to get to know some of the other servants more." I said. " It seems like you have someone specific in mind." My master said.
I gave a little chuckle. " You may think that if you want." I said with a smirk. " Okay. I'll talk to my father about it." He said. " If he approves, who do you want to be your personal servant for the day?" I asked. " How about Y/N? There's something about her. I can't get her out of my head. So make it her if he approves." Diavolo said. He walked away.

End of Flashback

" I guess Y/N was right. The power over time does come in handy." I said. I then walked back to my room with a smile.

A/N: Done. I think this one was my favorite so far. Also sorry it's so long. Next is Barbatos x Reader.

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