Jeff the Killer (part 2)

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When i woke up i was in a strange place. It was dark and damp only lit with a small lamp on a box crate. I try to move and noticed my hands were tied together above my head. As i struggle to free myself and fail i hear footsteps. As they came closer there he was, the man that i thought was just a story, Jeff the killer. He had a carved smile in his face and no eyelids. His eyes were white and peirced through me. "Hello Star". How did he know my name, how did he know where i lived? The mailmen even had trouble finding my house. "How do you know my name"?! I demanded. He laughed and said "i know everything about you, ive been watching you for awhile now". He's been watching me?! "Are you going to kill me"? He laughed again, that horrible cackle he had it sent shivers to my spine. "Kill you, no, i have other plans for you, plans you dont want to know". He got closer to me and sniff my hair. "Mmm, we're going to play some games and have some fun"! I was frightened. What horrible games he must have planned for me, i dont want to think about it. He put a blindfold on me so i couldnt see. I then felt a cold object under my chin. I heard a ripping sound as i felt a piece of clothing fall off and felt my breasts exposed. Then my panties being ripped. I felt the cold sharp object on my abdomen then pain. It felt like he was carving something into me. "This way everyone knows who you belong to". He whispered. I heard some shuffling sounds and then felt the blindfold come off. As i opened my eyes and they adjusted i saw his enlarged hardened member right in my face. "Suck it"! He demanded. He pressed it against my lips and i refused to open my mouth. He pointed the knife in face and yelled "suck it or ill kill you nice and slow"! I gulped and hesitantly opened. He quickly shoved it into my mouth and groaned. He did this for a while and finally pulled it all the way out. I thought it was over but i was wrong. He licked my neck as he adjusted me on his lap. I felt a sudden pain as he shoved himself in. I screamed. He laughed as my blood curdling scream echoed off the walls. He thrusted hard in me over and over while saying "fuck yea, your pussy is so tight"! I just cried. He squeezed my cheeks making my jaw pry open and shoved his tongue down my throat. He groaned and panted as he went faster. "Please stop this"! I said. "Oh dont act like you dont love it bitch, your so wet my dick is slipping in and out with ease"! My body betrayed me. It was starting to feel good, really good. My legs were starting to shake and i wanted to release the tension in abdomen that was building. I started to thrust back into him and he said "fuck yea, thats it, fuck me you dirty bitch"! I started to moan loudly. He pulled out which made me whimper. He cut the ropes off my wrists and pinned me down. He said "I want to hear you beg for my dick to ram in you"! I couldnt take it, the pressure building in me wanted to be released, my body craved more. "Please, i want it, i want you to fuck me"! I begged. His smile growing wider as shoved back in. He went faster and deeper. My mind went blank and all i could think about was the pleasure i was feeling. With a few hard thrusts we finally came releasing the pressure. His member twitching inside as he spilled every drop of his hot liquid essence. "Your mine now"! He said chuckling. As he new he had broke me he brought me up the stairs where i met other people that were there. He brought me to a man that had no face and wore a black suit. "I've been expecting you Star, you have felt pain in your life, your father did horrible things to you, many men have, but i had to make sure you had broke all ties to your humanity and you have, join me and you can have a new life, a new beginning". I nodded. I was tired of my horrible past and boring life. "Good, now you will become one of us". He touched my forehead and i felt myself change. My hair turned blue, my skin became pale white, my eyes turned red and started to drip blood, i grew demonic wings and horns. "Your name is now The Temptress, any target i give you, you kill them for me". I nodded. I had become one of them, a creepypasta, my story begins. I am the temptress, i sudduce men and devoure they're hearts. They're traitorous hearts, men who lie and cheat. All men except in my group deserve death in my eyes. I am the temptress, and im coming for you. You will know its me when i say "your my bitch now"!

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