Chapter 6

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| The returning |

"I'm back!" I hear Jin scream from the entrance of the house.

Everyone... LITERALLY, EVERYONE ran to the entrance, including me.

"Jin Hyung!" I said as relief washed over me.

It had been two fricking weeks since Jin left, nothing was heard about him in that time. We were seriously thinking he died at some point.

"I was so worried!" Jungkook whined.

Jin laughed. "I'm sorry but I needed to do my part as well."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Did you seriously think I would sit there just waiting for Margaret to give me information?" He asks offended. "Of course not! I did some research!" He makes a pause to think. "I discovered more than I would have liked," he starts to laugh.

We all turn to look at each other confused but no one asks for an explanation. Whatever he means, we don't want to know.

We all walk to the living room to be able to talk. 

"I have excellent and horrible news," Jin says finally seriously.

"What are the horrible news?" I ask with my heart racing.

"They are coming for you," Jin says looking at me. "Min-Ki has designated his best generals to go behind you," My eyes widen.

"Is my mother alright?" I quickly ask.

"Yes, you don't need to worry about that," Jin reassures. "She's with my family right now, no one is suspicious about her."

"And what are the good news?" Jungkook asks hopefully.

"EVERYONE hates Min-Ki, it won't be hard to overthrow him," Jin says confidently.

We all take a couple of minutes in silence to think.

If everyone hates the king as Jin is saying, it shouldn't be hard to gather an army in our side... the question now is if the Royal Army has its loyalty blindly in Min-Ki as they are supposed to; if they don't, things wouldn't be hard.

"I'll need to prove who I am first..." I trace off.

"That's what I was thinking," Jinyoung nods. "We all believe you, but there will be people that will need proof that you truly are who you say."

 "How do we do that?" Jackson asks.

"We could use Jaehwa for that..." I say doubtful. "Something will come up," I say moving my hands on the air. "We need to make a plan, now that we have new information."

I start to walk around the room trying to think. I'll need to attack directly and I'll need to be even more careful now, I don't want those generals to hurt someone because of me, I won't let that happen.

I take a deep breath.

It's time to be full of swag. I'll show them who Agust D is.

"First thing we need to do," I say confidently. "Is to detect what those generals are doing."

Jackson's eyes widen. "And how do we do that?" He asks.

"Really easy," I say with a smirk. "I have contacts in the capital, I can infiltrate easily."

"What do you mean?!" Jin stands from his seat.  "You can't go there!"

 "Hyung, I have been hiding for far too long, I'm tired of running and giving Min-Ki what he wants."

"But..." Jinyoung traces off. "You can't hide that scar..."

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