Chapter 2

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| The straw that broke the camel's back |

I came back home with my mother a couple of minutes before the curfew started. I sighed in relief when we were home. The last thing I need is for us to have problems with everything going on.

"Where are my kids?!" A woman cries outside.

Mother turns around to see what's happening through the window, I do too as I stand next to her.

Everyone is peaking out of their houses but not daring to come out completely as we can't anymore.

A woman is on the verge of crying as she is looking for her kids from the door of her house. She repeatedly screams their names in an attempt to make them come back but there's not any sign of them coming back.

"I'll go to look for them," a man of her same household says before stepping a foot outside but she stops him.

"No! Don't" The woman says scared and sad. "T-they can't be that far away."

A 'bang' is heard not too far away. We all get startled. I look around trying to understand what's going on.

A little kid comes running as fast as he can towards the woman, the little kid has tears running down his face. My heart starts pounding faster as I notice a guard pointing at the little kid with his gun.

"Please don't shoot at him!" The woman cries as she reaches her son quickly.

I let go of my breath that I didn't know I was holding as I see the woman held onto her kid. He's safe and unharmed.

Wait! Didn't she said 'kids'...?

I see another guard come from an ally holding a little body as it was a rag. I feel how all the color drains from my face as I see a little girl bleeding to death or maybe already dead. Her blood is living a trace.

The family cries loudly as the guard lets the little girl fall onto the ground lifeless. A puddle of blood starts to form under the body.

"This is what happens when you don't respect the curfew." One of the guards says coldly before they both go away.

 My palms start to sweat as they go away. We are all frozen in our spots. No one can believe what just happened.

They have killed an innocent toddler.

My anger grows with each passing second. It's a collective feeling as people, one by one get out of their houses. I do the same without thinking twice, my mother follows after me.

The family who's daughter is laying on the floor were the first ones to get out after making sure their son stayed inside this time.

The guards are gone for now but I'm not scared of them, I don't care if they come back.

The mother kneels in front of her daughter with tears running down her cheek. She picks her up to give her a bear hug as she cries; her husband kneels behind her to hug them both.

We all form a circle around her in a 'protective' manner. We all mourn the death of the kid in our ways. Some cry and others just look at the body with teary eyes as they try to hold them back. 

I hold my mother's hand as we see the scene in front of us. I squeeze her hand as she starts shaking a little bit.

We all keep quiet as the family has their moment to let it all out. 

I bit my lip to stop myself from sobbing but I don't hide my emotions; this is not a moment where pride matters. 

No one in the crowd seems scared of the consequences of what we are doing which makes me glad. This has taught me that my town is strong as well. 

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