Chapter 26: Rekka's feelings

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"I ride First aid Celestial Penial!" I said as I flipped over my starting Vanguard.

A figure surrounded by a multicolored aura appeared. "Crimson Cub, Cara." Takuto? Why is he battling me? I felt myself getting angry at him. Like really raging mad kind of mad. "Why did you take our memmories? Its your fault that my sisters now have no clue of where they come from, of their past lives!" I blurted out.

"I needed you three. I now regret dragging you into this mess." He answers simply. "But you could've at least left us some memories of our past." I yelled at him. "If you remembered, you'd go back to your families. I can't have you distracted."

Aaaaaaaaarrrgghhh. I know what he's saying is right, but it still felt wrong. I'm happy I had a part in saving the world, but still... Aaaaargghhh!

"Its your turn you know Rekka." Takuto reminded me. I almost forgot we were in the middle of a match. "I draw and ride Burst Shot Bethneal. I end my turn."

"Great!" He smiled at me. I frowned suspiciously. Why was Takuto fighting me? I thought I'm fighting the Void? "I ride. Knight of Elegent skills, Gareth. Boosted by Caria! Gereth attacks you Vanguard!" "No guard." "Drive check...nice. Critical trigger. All effects to my Vanguard." Nice timing. No triggers on my damage check.

"My turn. I draw. Ride Essence Celestial, Becca!" Takuto looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay Rekka. What happened to your idol ride, and cute ride? You seem down."

I felt surprised and angry. "Why do you care anyway. You used me, Suiko and Kourin. Besides, I'm fighting the Void, so that means your working for it now."

"Well... Technically I'm part of the Void. It can summon me to fight for it. But I'm still the guy from before." He explains. I cut him off. "Still doesn't explain why you robbed us of our memories. I call Wild Shot Celestial, Raguel. Raguel attacks. Now my Vanguard." I flipped over the top card. "No trigger."

"I'm really sorry Rekka. I had to do it. How can I make it up to you?" Takuto pleaded me. I breathed in sharply. I could ask him to return all our memories right now. And he'd do it. "Return all our memories." I requested. "Okay," he agreed. "But you'll have to beat me first."

"I'll do whatever it takes." I answer him. I'll show him my strength. For my sisters, I'll defeat Takuto.


Hi. Sorry the chapter's a little short an the picture has nothing to do with the chapter. Also probably a bit worse. But yah...



Hey guys. I know the next chapter's taking a long time, its because I'm working on the other book I talked about. The first three parts are published now and I hope you'll go check it out. Its called The Amazing Race, Cardfight Vanguard Version. Thanks!

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