Chapter 6: The Second Invasion

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Aichi's POV

"So I guess Void is growing stronger..." I noted after hearing Kai's explanation.

"We need to know why." Kai added. He started to push himself up to stand but immediately got pushed back down by Misaki.

"Stay here for the night, " she said firmly,"I insist." She gave two of us the death glare. I cringed. "Fine." Kai huffed reluctantly.
The next day...

When I arrived at Card Capital, I was glad to see Kai already sitting at one of the shop's cardfighting tables.

"So what should we do today?" Misaki asked.

Just then, the shop door opened and I saw Kamui standing at the door.

"Guys! Its Hitsue and Miyaji. The Reverse..." He trailed off.

"Oh no..." I muttered and sprinted towatds Miyaji Academy, desperately hoping that everyone was okay.

"I'll head for Hitsue. And I'll fill Kamui in." Kai yelled.
Kamui's POV

At Hitsue...

"To be honest Kai, I'm just glad that your on our side this time." I said between pants as we raced towards Hitsue.

"Yeah...I didn't even know there was another invasion." Kai answered.

I was surprised to hear that Kai had Psyqualia. After all, he was the one that objected to Aichi's use of it.
Kai's POV

When we arrived at Hitsue, there was a black ring on top of our school.

"No way.... Who did I this?" I asked Kamui.

"I don't know. When I came here for the Cardfight club it was already like this." Kamui explained.

I hoped that Miwa and the others were okay...

At that thought, Reverse fighters started streaming out of the school.
Aichi's POV

When Misaki and I arrived at Miyaji, a ring of Reverse fighters surrounded us. I instinctively took out my deck and readied myself for battle.
Five minutes later...

"Light Seeker Alfred and Blaster Blade Seeker attacks your Vanguard!" I shouted as my avatar joined forces with Alfred to deal the finishing blow.

"Phew..." The reversed fighter collapsed as the Reverse left him. "One fighter down... A few hundred more to go"

I looked at the fallen Reverse fighter.

Suddenly, he did something unimaginable. He stood up again, and he was still reversed.

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