Chapter 35: Going back

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Kai's POV

I stared at the two orbs in front of me. The one on my right glowed attractively. I found myself recalling  all the happy times I had. Me practicing with Miwa, then with team Asteroid, then fighting Aichi, and then participating in the tournament. Soon after, I saw myself joining Team New Asteroid. Me fighting my way through the Sanctuary. All these times showed me how Vanguard has made me a better person.

But I still couldn't deny that I also belonged in the darkness. I had isolated myself from everyone more than once, and each time yielded worst results. I have darkness in me. Darkness that threatens to consume me.

Light or dark?

In a way, I fit into both, but on the other hand, I don't.

Who am I really?

A person who struggles to identify himself. Well... I guess one way or another that's gonna change.

What if there was another way. That's right. I'm not the kind of person to take these pre-made paths. I find my own way. I force my way through everything. Even if it leads to my downfall.

My hand sliced through the two orbs, making then dissapear. "I don't need either of them. I'll find my own way!" My deck began glowing a vibrant orange colour.  Without looking at the card, I knew what it was. Funny because I didn't actually add it in there... Cue the convenient draw... Thanks I guess author?

(Ur breaking the forth wall idiot)

I don't care?

(You'd better care before I do something despicable)

Ooh I'm scared

(Just get back to the story)


"The light that illuminates your path, the flame that burns in the darkness. My two avatars, merged to form an even greater being! Ride the Vanguard! Dragonic Blaster Overlord!! (Awesome name right?)"

"Seek mate! Legion, Dragonic Overlord!"

"Dragonic Overlord's skill. Seek mate! Legion, Blaster Blade Seeker!"

My opponent's jaw dropped. Yah technically, my inside jaw was slack as well. Cus there was three cards in the Vanguard circle. No kidding. THREE CARDS.

"Double legion attack! Dragonic Blaster's ability grants him and extra five thousand power and plus one critical for each card in my damage zone. Plus since he's in Double Legion, I get to retire all your rearguards!"

Time skip...

I won. I won... Okay... Did I? I did? What... Okay... After these thoughts,.I did something I haven't done in a long time... I threw my hands up, and started whooping. No kidding. Yup. Don't judge.


Yay! Slightly early update... Yeah... So... How did you find the chappy?

Kai: for the first time your chapter was actually okay...

Me: -_-

Kai: Its a compliment.

Me: *no comment*

Anyway this book is coming to an end! Only two more chapters and the epilouge to go!! Once again, thank you very much for reading this book. You have no idea how much this means to me. THANK YOU!

Anyway enough of that.

OH YAH. The next two chapters will be updated together. So I might take a longer time.


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