Chapter 6~

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Faze carries me in his big arms as he walks towards the kitchen. I feel eyes peak at me as we make our way but my emotions are too out of order to care. I don't wanna hurt him but I cant stop clinging to his body so hard that I shake with tension while hiding my face and sucking on the skin of his neck.

"Shhhh baby boy. I got you." He coos in my ear. The deep rumble of his voice and the big hand softly rubbing my back calms me down enough that by now I'm just sniffling into his neck. I'm sure I've drenched his shirt in tears.

"Now let me see your cute face so I can help my baby feel better, okay" Faze pleads as he sits me onto the counter. I sniffle and slowly loosen my arms so I can look up at him. My legs stay locked around him though and my body is pushed up against his massive chest leaving virtually no space between our beings.

"Although I hate seeing such a cutie so sad, I have to admit how adorable you look with those pouty lips and puffy eyes." He remarks as he grabs a tissue from the box on the counter next to us and wipes my face down.

"Blow" he says holding a tissue to my nose. A slight blush makes its way onto my cheeks from the intimacy of everything but I follow his orders and blow out my nose real hard. The proud look on his face makes me flush even harder so I push my face into his chest when I'm done. The rumble of his chest as he chuckles only succeeds at making me let out a small whine but the vibration it makes against me causes my body to start heating up as I tighten my legs around his waste.

"Awe baby boy, I'm sorry. You're just too cute." He says while leaving a lasting kiss on the crown of my head. Peaking up at him I can't help the slight smile making its way to the corner of my lips at the sweet look he's giving me.

He smiles down at me as our eyes meet and he leaves another tender kiss on my forehead. A small giggle, a sound I didn't even know I was capable of making, bubbles up in my chest as Faze keeps leaving small kisses around my face and neck.

One on my left cheek.

One on my right cheek.

One on my nose.

One on my chin.

A few along my neck.

By now I'm almost a giggling mess. My mind is wiped clean and the only feeling left is warmth running through my chest at the sweet feeling his lips leave along my skin.

I try to use my hands to push his face away because my tummy hurts from laughing so much but my strength does nothing to stop him. He grabs my wrists and places them against his chest, keeping them still with his big strong hands. The grip isn't too tight where it hurts but it definitely keeps me in place as I look up at him.

Our eyes lock and although I don't want to use the cliche that the world stopped, for a second that's really what it felt like. His hot breath smelt like cool mint blowing against my face. We were so close and the eyes that lock with mine are filled with so much adoration that my whole being melts as a shiver makes its way up my spine. I can't help but look down from his eyes to his lips.

I use the little movement I have in my hands to grip to the front of his shirt pulling him towards me slowly as my body and face comes closer to his. Our lips are almost touching, and before I can lose my nerve I go in and connect them.

The shiver that goes down my spine at the warmth of his lips is shocking. So much in fact, I'm thrown back into reality so harshly that I rip away from his lips as I try to disconnect our bodies.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I'm sorry! I'm so so s-" I didn't get to finish before I'm wrapped back in his arms as his lips latch onto mine.

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