Chapter 4~

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Walking through the store I was actually surprised with how big it is. We might be in the middle of nowhere but it's also a tourist area. There is a strip mall and plenty of nature to see with some swimming holes around here. Having a big store shouldn't have been much of a surprise.

"Fin, Casey, and Neon you go get the food we're missing. The twins, Erin, and I will go get what we need for setting up the barbecue and fire for tonight." Faze is definitely the boss of the group. We're a good sized group but he can still order us and plan so effortlessly. My admiration for him just gets better and better.

"So whatcha like doin the most Neo? I already tolds you what I like buts you never saids what you like!?" Casey says lagging behind with me while we follow Fin who's picking out food to put in the cart in front of us.

"Neo?  You remember my names Neon, right?"

"Yup! Buts I gotta come up with a nickname only I gets ta calls you!" I can't help but smile down at him and admire his innocence.

"Hmm I love to read. Usually online novels but books are good too. I also like a few others things that'll be kept a secret. You, little boy, are too innocent to hear right now." I said smirking, patting his head, and messing up his long black hair he has in pig tails right now.

"Yous mean." He pouts with his cute pink lips and sends me a glare. I would be frightened if he didn't look so damn adorable. It's like a little bunny jumping around and sulking. Too fucking adorable, I could just kiss him right here.

While I'm lost in thought I hear a squeak and whine coming from behind me making me realize Casey isn't beside me anymore. Turning around I see a man towering over Casey. He's even bigger than me which I guess isn't that hard but I'm definitely taller than a tiny thing like Casey.

"Wanna come over to my place kitten?" He rumbles in a almost scarily deep voice. I was going to say something when I realize he's already grabbed Casey by his ass and has him pushed up against his body almost lifting him off the ground. I can't see Casey's face but I hear his whimpering and know it's definitely not from pleasure. My poor baby sounds so scared.

I run over to them and try to pull Casey away from the man but his arms are around Casey so tight I can't get them to budge. I'm starting to freak out while almost yelling at the man to let Casey go.

"You little man are almost just as cute. I can make you both scream with pleasure. Hmm? Come with me now babies." Says the man while grabbing me by my collar and trying to pull the both of us towards the entrance of the store.

"LET THE HELL GO OF THEM ASSHOLE!" I hear a shout coming from the other end of the isle. I turn my head just enough to see Fin with the scariest face come barreling towards us.

"Whatcha gunna do about it boy? Wanna join us too?" The man says and my jaw drops. Does this guy not see what Fin looks like? He's muscular with broad shoulders. He's the same height, if not, taller than the guy who has ahold of us.

"I said let them THE FUCK GO!" Fin yells again as he approaches us. Before I realize what exactly is happening I see Fin throw his big fist straight towards the guys nose. Before I can think I grab Casey and fall to the floor. When I look up I see Fin on top of the man while sending punch after punch towards his face and chest.

"FIN GET OFF OF HIM!" I hear a voice yell from the other end of the isle. I know it's Faze but I don't move to look at him since I'm too preoccupied trying to sooth Casey who's crying in my arms. He had his arms and legs wrapped around me while he's sobbing into my chest.

I feel people standing around me and I look up noticing it's the twins and Erin looking down at Casey with worried faces.

"Erin take the twins and wait for us at the bus. We'll be out soon." I use a firm tone that I learned from my dominance training so they know not to argue. Right now isn't the time for questions. I can barely keep myself together let alone a group of people and Faze seems too preoccupied with Fin to look after the rest of the boys.

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