Chapter 5~

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The flames grow around me as I'm carried through the halls. Heavy breathing is all I hear as the heat closes in. Looking up I see a shadow of a face. I try to reach out but no matter how hard I try I can't touch the face I'm trying so desperately to see.

"Mommy!" For some reason my instincts are telling me it's my mother.

"Mommy!" I scream hoping she'll reply.

"Mommy!" I scream again hoping for a reaction but the scene doesn't change.

Hard breathing

A dark face



Oh, the heat. It burns. Is this what hell feels like?

"HELP!" I hear a women scream as the heat closes all the way in.

As the heat engulfs me all of a sudden a frigid chill runs up my spine and makes its way through my whole body causing me to uncontrollably shiver.

The chill doesn't stop at my skin as I feel it make its way into my bones and chest. The empty feeling it leaves when I open my eyes makes a sob push out my throat. Waking up in a cold sweat has to be my least favorite.

I forget where I am for a second until I notice pink eyes staring at me full of worry. Before he can speak though I hear a voice coming from the open door.

"You okay baby boy?" Faze walks over and picks me up and sets me on his lap. I tense up but melt into his hold after a second as it's kind of soothing.

"Neo's gunnas be okays?" Casey whines and asks as he crawls into my lap and hugs my waist.

I just let myself be hugged and held as I try to stabilize my breathing. Once I manage to calm down I realize I basically have a death grip on Fazes legs underneath me.

"Sorry" I mumble and let go as I try to get out of their hold. I need a smoke I can't help but think while trying to make my way out of being sandwiched by the 2 sexy men.

"Let's get you into the shower okay sweets? You're sticky with sweat. I can go get you a change of clothes while you go start a shower, would you like Casey to go with you?" Faze offers but all I want right now is a smoke and to be left alone. Every time I have one of those horrible dreams I can't help but feel this way.

"No thanks I'll go to my room and do it myself." I manage to get out of their hold. I throw my clothes on that were on the floor before looking at the two men sitting on the bed as they keep looking at me with worried frowns on their faces. I don't want to worry them so I give them each a small smile and leave a quick kiss on their cheeks.

I make my way out of the room. I'm probably walking in a bit of a hurry but I can't help it. My nerves are strung and my head is pounding. The sickening feeling almost making me puke, if I had anything in my stomach.

Quickly I make my way into my room and rip open my bag. After searching for my spliffs for a minute I finally find them at the bottom of my bag along with my lighter.

I open the patio door and sit on the ground outside. I must have been asleep for a while I realize when I notice the suns already setting. My body starts relaxing as I light my spliff and start sucking the smoke into my lungs. The feeling doesn't last long though as my mind starts wandering.

It was real. That was definitely not just a dream. How do I still have memories from such a young age? I couldn't see my mothers face but the heat felt so real.

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