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Lydia's POV

Well, it's been a whole year since the big battle with Hawkmoth. Father, Adrien, and I are finally feeling like a real family. We eat every meal together, go on family trips together, and actually spend time together.

We had a proper funeral for our mother, just the 3 of us. And it was beautiful. It was time to let her finally Rest In Peace. We got to say goodbye one last time. But she's not really gone. She lives on in our hearts.

As for the hero's of Paris since there is no more Hawkmoth akumatizung people we are helping the city be more safe from normal criminals. But they are seeing less and less of us. And I think that's okay. That means we completed our job as miraculous holders. But that doesn't mean we will give up our kwamis without a fight.

Marinette and Adrien couldn't be happier. They plan on going to the same college after school, or at least close by each other. As for me? I'm in no rush to find someone. I like being single. Gives me a chance to work on my self, my life first before I share it with someone else.

But father and Natalie have been getting closer and talking about non work related things.. maybe something will happen between them...

Currently, I have been using my gift of healing to heal the impossible at the hospital. I wanted to keep helping people.... maybe thinking about going to university to be a doctor or a nurse. Fashion was never really my thing.
But I am glad to say that everything will be okay from here in out.

****** *******
I know this might be a lame bonus chapter but I wasn't really sure what to write about 😣
Don't forget to take a look at my new fanfic for Percy Jackson!

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