19 Phonecall

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Well, hello there pretty bunnies! I'm so sorry that it took me months to give you another update. It's just that I'm already in college and things aren't as easy as it sounds compared to high school. I've been meaning to write but, there's just been too many homework to turn in. I will try my hardest from now on to update as much as I can. Also, I do suggest reading from the recent chapter since some of you might forget the story line. Without further ado, here's chapter 19!


Teens chattering, papers flying in the air, screams of delight echoing in corridors—

Of course. What else could make students happier than a time out from all the homework and mountains of projects to pass on first period?

Time flew so fast and tomorrow will be the start of our summer break. Professors were either delighted to not have to deal with cacophonous students or droopy because they won't see their favorites anymore.

Just like Ms. Park, our class adviser. Sitting on her favorite chair in the faculty room, having a staring contest with a pack of minty gum in her hands.

"Ms. Park?" I called out, lightly tapping the glass window of the door to at least try to catch her attention.

She got startled for a bit and then regained her composure and flashed her usual smile. "Oh! Jungkook..." In a hurried manner, folders fell from the table, pens rolled off and that pack of gum... might have flown somewhere else. She got so frantic. "I am so sorry... Were you waiting outside for too long?"

"No, I wasn't. And uh... here's the hard drive for our last homework. I apologize for the late submission. Some of our classmates were a little too slow to turn in theirs." I intended to emphasize the word, to let Mingyu, who's waiting outside know that I am internally glaring at his soul at the moment.

"Ah.. no worries." She took the drive in my hand and smiled again, although, it wasn't the usual one. "Thank you by the way."


"For being one of my students this year, Jungkook. Rather, to all of you who became part of this short teaching experience in my life." She said. Her eyes were almost brimming with crystal tears.

I took a box of tissues on the corner and passed it to her. She chuckled a bit and thanked me again. "It should be us who should be thanking you, Ms. Park. You've done so much for us."

With that said, another genuine smile poked at Ms. Park's face.

So, that's how it went. A few conversations exchanged, tons of 'thank you's', and for once, I got to feel what it is like to be a teacher who's really into their job. I could have stayed longer but, Mingyu's legs might have given up on him outside the room.

And, I had more than one reason to flee out: Mingyu's waiting, Taehyung's blowing up messages on my phone, and Ms. Park's fiancé has been standing behind me, patiently, with his usual smart suit, for a minute or two now. Wouldn't want to keep him waiting.

Mingyu asked to leave first since he was supposed to meet someone in the library. Who else would it be other than Wonwoo seonbae nim? Why can't that guy just ask him out already?

I walked up the same familiar path up to the rooftop garden. Through the hallways, the student committee have been running here and there non-stop. Our moving up ceremony will take place 2 days from now so, almost all of them were carrying decorations from one floor to another.

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