4 Seal the curse

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The school alarm sounded right before I could finish a 907-paged book. I quickly got up and proceeded to my next class.

Like what the principal had said before, about me being a top student in my recent school, I have to make sure she isn't dissapointed.


Right after class had ended, I immediately ran out of the room and went to my locker, stocking my used books.

I wanna go home early today. Might as well call Mr. Choi to fetch me.

"Hey, new kid! " Someone suddenly called out to me. I turned my head towards the owner of the voice only to see that girl from before whom Taehyung had kissed at the back of the school and two other girls beside her.

Aish.. It's 'that' guy's fans.

"Why were you freely talking to Taehyung in the hallways this morning? Is it because he saved your shitty ass from falling? Listen up, punk. Just because he did that doesn't mean that you get to talk to him. Don't get ahead of yourself, weirdo. We are all aiming for him and that excludes y.o.u."

"Yeah, exactly. Because there's no one that has the looks like Taehyung and it would be a great pleasure to be able to kiss someone as dashing as him so don't ever go near him ever again, got it? "

What the hell are they talking about? Are they insane?

Just as I was to talk back, politely, to them, I was immediately cut off by a voice I had no intention to hear any longer.

"Hey. What are you girls doing? " It's Taehyung. He just walked calmly towards the girls' direction and looked at me. "Well, hello to you too, cutie?"

Students are gathering around, making a circular formation. All eyes were on me and I hate it...so much.

The attention I'm getting because of these idiots is making my blood boil.

"So, you girls just want to win people around you, huh. You know, you can't just kiss someone with half-hearted feelings. If I were you, I'd settle with someone who would love me for life and cherish me as if I am as fragile as glass. " I spoke with a little courage in my voice with a little scoff. By now, my eyes stay locked on the girls in front of me.

"Hahahaha what the hell is wrong with you?! 'For life'?! Seriously? "

"What are you? A prince? "

"Those are for old people, you moron! Don't you yourself feel strange about what you just said? "

They all started blabbering incoherent comments that surely pushed me to defend my belief more. Even if my ancestor was a cheater that doesn't mean that I am as well. I stood up straighter and faced them, eye to eye with my chest held high.

"No, it's not strange. Because for me, if it is not someone who I will marry in the future, I will not date that person. Unlike you girls who would just throw yourselves to random guys without even thinking twice."

I watched as their facial expressions changed. It was hideous. The way their eyebriws knitted into one and their freshly manicured nails dug into their palms. I was trembling of what they may do to me.

"What the fuck?! Who are you tell me that?! "

She then started walking toward me, opening her palm to slap me. I closed my eyes shut, waiting for the action to take place but instead, not a single pain came in contact with my cheeks. A firm grip was coiled on the side of my waist, pulling me to a warm body.

"Taehyung?" The girl said, sounding quite scared. Wait.. Who? I opened my eyes only to be met with Taehyung's face, inches away from mine while his gaze shot daggers towards the three girls who were now looking like lost, kicked puppies.

"Up until now, you girls who always tried to get close to me all wanted one thing in particular. But this is the first time that someone had caught my interest." he said.

His free hand then reached for the garter of the mask behind my earlobe, quickly removing it from my face. He exposed me. Slowly, bit by bit, I could feel the mask slipping off of my face.

I've hidden my face for so long now here I am. Once the article was dropped to the floor, Taehyung suddenly pulled me closer to his body, lifting my chin up. In a matter of seconds, I felt soft, warm lips on mine.

I didn't respond. I didn't know what to do. He... He kissed me!

Shocked gasps and surprised whispers were all I could hear from the staring crowd. Right at that moment, my whole body went stiff.

Jungkook, move your damn feet! C'mon, move!

Just as Taheyung pulled away from the 'kiss', he flashed me one of his signature smirks and gave me one last peck before rubbing his thumb on my lower lip which caused me to slightly wobble in his arms. My vision started to blur a bit although I recovered quickly.

I struggled to remove his hands from me but still failed. I didn't have enough strength to push him away. That was until he said,

"I've decided. I will make you fall in love with me, Jungkook."

(EDITED) may 2018

Then again, it's another edit so please, please, please just hang on
for a little bit coz I'll be explaining it soon-in a much
better version.

I swear this will be worth it.
I promise you that.

Kiss Me If You Dare [VKOOK]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें