"cheol, cheol, cheol..." jeonghan tsked, "i miss him. i need to stop by and feed my babies some proper food sometime." jihoon wasn't sure what kind of relationship was going on between seungcheol and jeonghan. it wasn't completely platonic yet at the same time they weren't a couple.

"stop by anytime, both of the. would be happy to see you."

jeonghan rolled his shoulders and threw his dough ball into a bowl to rest. "alright ji, time for you to go shopping." forming his own dough into a ball and placing it in a bowl, jihoon grumbled and removed his apron.

"cherries and flour?" he asked grabbed a bag hanging off the wall. jeonghan nodded and handed him the some money.

"don't forget about the mask in your bag... those middle class can be irritating sometimes."

grunting, he pulled out a ratty bandana and covered the bottom half of his face. waving at jeonghan one last time he headed out the door, the clanging of bells trailing behind him.

jihoon would like the markets if it weren't for the people running the stores. all the colourful fabrics and eye catching objects were the exact opposite of the people inside. arriving at a fruit stall jihoon pointed at a fresh batch of cherries. "i'd like these please."

"money first." the man behind the stall said.

reaching in the bag, he pulled a single gold coin and handed to the man. "that's not enough," the man responded flatly.

"but thats what it says on the sign," jihoon pointed at the big sign that clearly stated cherries costed one gold coin.

"who says i can't raise the price whenever i want?"

jihoon gritted his teeth. "very well.." he reached in his bag and tossed the man another coin. only then, did the man allow jihoon to take the cherries he wanted.

"enjoy the food.. peasant."

clenching his fists, jihoon took deep breaths in through the fabric before walking away. all he had to do was get flour, then he could leave. flour, flour, flour....

he quickly arrive at a store selling what he needed and paid the person behind the stall. at least this person isn't changing the prices for certain people. grabbing a bag full of flour, he turned to leave but sudden voices caught his attention.

"but that's not why the sign says."

"i can change it if i want."

"but you didn't change it for the last person."

"take it or leave."

turning his head, he saw a boy arguing with lady selling pastries. he pursed his lips, then finally decided to intervene when the lady lifted up a wooden spoon to smack the boy. grabbing the rooted boy's wrist, jihoon pulled him out the way, away from the stall.

the boy blinked in surprise when he felt a tug on his wrist and looked at the half covered face of the person pulling him. "don't buy from that stall." jihoon said to the other boy, "she sells overpriced and she's pretty bitchy. if you want pastries, come with me."

"is everyone here like that?" the boy asked, referring back to the lady as he followed jihoon through the crowd.

"pretty much," jihoon said as they walked further away from the busiest part of the market. "but i guess there are a few who aren't so bad." jihoon looked at the boy and just noticed that his hair was coloured a pretty shade of silver. well... everything about the boy was pretty. from his eyes to his lips. "i'm guessing you aren't from here." the boy nodded. "i suggest that you get out of here if you can. nytis is a shit place to stay in."

"if you hate it so much, then why don't you leave?"

jihoon let out a dry chuckle, "if you were in my position, you'd know why i can't leave." the two arrived in front of the bakery and were greeted with a familiar bell sound.

"ji! your back and i see you've brought a puppy as well." jeonghan eyed the silver haired male. "i mean customer... welcome to my bakery!" jihoon rolled his eyes at the man's sudden change in tone and removed the bandana from his face.

"here's the ingredients."

walking back behind the counter he tied on his apron and looked back at the silver haired boy who was staring at jihoon's face. "um.. hello?" the boy blinked his eyes, tips of his ears turning red. "you want a pastry right?"


"anything in particular?"

the boy moved closer to the display and pointed at a the pile of lemon knots. opening the display he grabbed a few with nearby tongs and placed them in a paper bag. the silver haired boy tossed a few coins on the counter. "you gave me extra." jihoon slid two gold coins back along with the bag of food.

"keep it."

"i can't take your money." jihoon said pushing the coins back.

too late, the other boy grabbed the bag and moved away from the counter. "i'll see you around!" he smiled at jihoon and walked out the door.

"so who was that ji?" jeonghan slid to his side and grinned like cheshire the cat. "he was hot plus he tipped you."

jihoon shrugged his shoulders and shoved jeonghan over. "no one in particular." but he had to admit jeonghan was right about the hot part.

soonyoung walked out of the bakery with a certain black haired boy in mind. looking back through the glass window, he watched as the black hair boy punched the taller one in the shoulder. he's pretty. turning away, he reached in the bag and munched on a lemony treat thoughtfully.

maybe i'll stay....

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