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February 15

Bethany's POV

"good morning princess" Corbyn said as I woke up
"morning" I lightly smiled and shuffled up onto his chest
"how are your legs?" he chuckled lightly
"shut it" I mumbled
he moved his hand and started to play with my hair, i just led there with my eyes closed and he was on his phone. it took me a while to wake up and stuff but when i did i remembered about having to go back to liberty, sighed loudly and he instantly put his phone down.

"whats wrong?" he asked, i sat up and crawled onto his lap
"i have to go back to liberty next week" i said and looked down
"what do you mean, go back to liberty?"
"zack and i never graduated from florida, so both schools decided it was best for me and him to go there and graduate - we will get to grad with all our friends tho, well only if we go everyday" i traced his abs with my hand
"oh, shit" he put his hand under my chin and pulled it up "are you okay going back?" he asked
"yeah, yeah - it will be fine" i smiled and kissed him, i layed on him then for few minutes, but then i decided i'd go for a shower to waist time.

"right, im going for a shower" i climbed off of him and walked into the bathroom then took all my clothes off before hopping into the shower - when i was done i went to get changed

"right, im going for a shower" i climbed off of him and walked into the bathroom then took all my clothes off before hopping into the shower - when i was done i went to get changed

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I just let my hair dry by itself so I could go get some lunch? Well yeah I mean I woke up late so there's no point having breakfast now is there. anyway I was going to make myself a sandwich when Zach came bursting though the door with tones of chipotle in his hands

"I GOT LUNCH FOR LITREALLY EVERYONE!!" he shouted and put the boxes on the counter
"what so you got food for all 15 of us?" I asked laughing a bit
"yep, I basically got the same thing but yeh" he started to take them out and place them in piles
"that was sweet zek" I laughed, then I grabbed two borritos for me and Corbyn and took them to the table, I heard Corbyn go up to Zach

"Corbyn! I got you food!" I shouted so he doesn't pick out more food, after a while everyone was squished at the dining table, it was weird spending time with clay, Justin and tony since I havent in like years almost.

"hey tony, you still got your mustang?" I asked
"of course" he chuckled
"Bethany - did you miss me?" Justin asked, you see before I left I dated Justin for a while, we carried on dating for like a few months after I moved but we couldn't handle it being so far apart - we obviously stayed really good friends.

"of course, Justin of course I missed you - I missed you all" I smiled then carried on eating my burrito, when I was done I went back to my room and flopped on my bed, but just a few seconds later there was a knock on the door

"who's there?" I kinda shouted
I sighed and went to open the door
"yes Justin, what do you want?" I asked and just standed there
"I should of never let you go" he groaned
"but it was for the best, at least we are still friends huh?" I smiled at him
"yeah - yeah of course" he hugged me then walked back downstairs, I went and sat back on the bed with my head in my hands. it was for the best, I mean he was just bad - we dated when he was a full on junkie, when he went homeless for a while, I couldn't deal with it. but its good we are still friends, and hes clean now so its all good. as I was thinking I didn't hear Corbyn walk into the room and sit next to me so I jumped when I saw him

"shit, you scared me" I slapped his stomach and he chuckled
"sorry - hey what was that with Justin?" he asked and grabbed my hand
"oh, it was nothing, nothing" I said
"it was something baby - tell me!" he lightly shoved me
"we dated before I moved to Florida, but then we broke up because we couldn't do the long distance - we stayed friends"
"well that wasn't hard to say now, was it" he laughed and I nodded.

for the rest of the day we just hung out really like we had nothing better to do.

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