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May 30

Bethany's POV

i have just finished packing my case and i walked downstairs to see Corbyn making some dinner.

"sit down princess - im making us some food before going to mine" he said
"oh okay thanks baby" i replied, i put my case by the door and i grabbed Barnaby to go sit on the counter next to Corbyn, he put his had on my thigh and i smiled at him, he was making lasagne - it smelt really nice.

"wow whos cooking?" Jonah asked coming downstairs, i sighed and looked at the food - anything to get my eyes off of him
"me - lasagne if you want some" Corbyn said
"www yeah sure - thanks" he replied, i groaned as Jonah went outside to the pool
"why everytime he walks into the room - you get pissed off" Corbyn said as he walked in-between my legs and held my waist.
"we had a fight" i said as i looked at my hands
"princess when?" he asked
"after we got home yesterday - something about him having to look after me - it didn't bother me its fine"
"crist - you always rely on Jonah - your hurt - is that why you drink all that last night?"
"i guess i dont know - i just had the crate" i shrugged my shoulder and he pushed me back
"what was that for!?" i shouted
"go sort things out"
"no - hes a cow!"
"no hes not - im gonna take Barnaby if you dont"
i screamed without opening my mouth and he moved so i could go outside - i sat at the edge of the pool and he came out from under the water.

"oh hey" he said
"you alright?" i asked awkwardly
"fine - you"
"yeah good - well except i fell bad for what i said - yesterday"
"oh yeh? im surprised you can remember what you said, you drunk so much last night" he laughed
"no i didn't!"
"the only time you sing at the top of your lungs at 3 am is when your very drunk"
i groaned "okay - so im sorry for being in a mood with you that school does my head it you know"
"yeah, its fine - i cant stay mad at my little baby sister" he said as swam up to me - he grabbed my legs and pulled me under the water

"JONAH!?!" i shouted and laughed
"what?" he replied
"MY CLOTHES!?!" i shouted and splashed him
"your gonna regret that" he said and grabbed me again then threw me in the air and then swam with me underwater

"urgh Jonah" i complained as i got out the pool and walked back into the house i stood at the back of the kitchen dripping wet. Corbyn turned around and started to laugh.

"wow what happened to you?" he asked and stayed where he was
i walked closer to him "Jonah dragged me underwater" i said
"you poor thing " he laughed and turned to put his attention back on the food, i ran straight behind him and hugged him, he got soaked

"Bethany marais roth frantzich! you little witch!" he said and picked me up then placed me down on the counter, he grabbed my waist then he kissed me , i pulled back

"the food is gonna burn!" i said and tried to push him off
"i couldn't give a shit - i want you" he said
"i want food"
"shut up" he said and picked me up again then carried me to my room, he lightly placed me down on the bed still with his lips locked to mine, my legs were wrapped around him so i pulled him down so our bodys where touching .....


"t-that was g-great" i said out of breath
"you can say that again" he replied and winked at me, i laughed and got up to change.

I was stood by the mirror and straightened my hair - because it was wet before - and Corbyn just stayed behind me hugging me, I could swear he fell asleep at one point, but anyway when I was done I quickly turned and he jolted then smiled

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I was stood by the mirror and straightened my hair - because it was wet before - and Corbyn just stayed behind me hugging me, I could swear he fell asleep at one point, but anyway when I was done I quickly turned and he jolted then smiled

"im ready to go now - if you are" I smiled
he leaned in to kiss me and I kissed back "yep im ready too LETS GOOO" he shouted and grabed that bag he brought over the other day, then we went downstairs and Jonah was digging into the lasagne
"did you guys want some? I ate the most of it sorry" he said with a mouth full
"we are fine - my moms made some food, she just texted me" Corbyn said
"yeah jo im going to stay at corbs for a while - you'll be okay yeh?" I asked
"yes - im older than you ill be fine" he laughed "have fun kids"
"bye jo" I said and I grabbed my case then walked out, I threw my bag into dani- my car and got in, I realized Corbyn had his car

"oh -okay ill se you there" I said and he nodded as he got into his car. we just casually drove there - but I wanted to race, that doesn't matter tho because he doesn't live far. as we drove up to the house the garage door opened and Corbyn drove in - me behind him - both of us got out and walked into the house his mom greeted us straight away and guided us to the dinning room to have food, she had made a huge spread and Corbyn looked at her quite mad - I dont know why. but the food was amazing

"that was great thanks" I said and smiled at her, she smiled back
"yeah mom it was lovely, now we are gonna head to the room, we have a tv show to catch up to" Corbyn said and grabbed my hand, then he grabbed both our bags as he walked towards the stairs - as we walked into the room I stood infront of him with my arms crossed

"what have I done now?" he complained
"you were so rude to your mom!" I said
"what? what do you mean?"
"when we walked into the dinning room you looked at her with a mad face" I said
"because we never have the food like that she did that just for you - I dont think its fair"
"right - and why did you leave so soon?"
"because I wanna spend time with you" he said and hugged me - I couldn't help but hug him back. then we just spent the night watching Netflix....

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