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December 12

Bethany's POV

I've been in the hospital for like what a day now? yeah, zack has stayed with me the whole time - and he's stayed sober too, which is good for him.

"zacky" i whined quietly as i was holding a sleeping baby in my arms
i heard him snore so i tapped is shoulder "zack" he didn't move again, i put Dylan back in the crib and moved, i got up and poked him again and again

"DEMPSEY!" i ended up half shouting and him and he woke up and looked shocked at me that i was stood up, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back down on the bed
"what did you want?" he asked and rubbed his eyes
"can you go get us some McDonalds?"
"yes, yes again the food here is disgusting" i laughed
"okay, ill be about an hour maybe" he smiled and walked out.

2 hours later...

zack finally got back and he looked horrible now, his hair was a mess, his clothes where fucked up - t-shirt ripped. i looked in his hand and he didn't have McDonalds.

"zack...." i looked at him and he flopped down on the bed, since i was sat on the chair
"Dempsey, where's my food?" i asked while chuckling a bit
"s-shit - i forgot" he rubbed his forehead
"what did you get up to in the last few hours then?"
"i uhh - i found a girl and um took her back to the hotel and you know, and uh then i realised i needed to get back to you" he lightly smiled as he nodded
i pulled a confused face at him
"i drank too" he added
"and now it makes sense"
"oh shut up" he rolled his eyes then looked at me with a grin
"you know, you need to stop doing this - like going off with random girls like a one night stand" i sighed
"no i dont i can do what i wanttt"
"yeah - yeah you can and i know that" i then grabbed zack and pushed him onto the seat and then I layed on the bed and watched the little TV, you know the ones in hospitals where its like -

" i looked at him and he flopped down on the bed, since i was sat on the chair"Dempsey, where's my food?" i asked while chuckling a bit"s-shit - i forgot" he rubbed his forehead"what did you get up to in the last few hours then?""i uhh - i found a...

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Like that but i had headphones plugged in. I put on YouTube and watched some of the boys interviews, then switched to shane dawson videos. quickly after that I started to fall asleep.

(POV change - Zack's POV)

Bethany was watching Shane Dawson on the TV but after like one video she fell asleep, I feel really guilty for not getting her food and for getting drunk, I know I should be more responsable but how do you start? once you start drinking its hard to stop, you know?

as I was talking to myself in my head the baby started to cry so I got up and went around to the other side to pick him up.

"shhh uncle Zack is here..." I said slowly and tried to find out what was wrong with him, I figured he needed to be fed so I made him a bottle and went to sit back on the seat and fed him, I honestly kinda hate kids, but this one is an exception I guess.

when I was done feeding him I put him back in the crib, went to sit AGAIN and played on my phone for ages.

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