"love you too, daddy."

•time skip•

it had been three weeks since rakim left. he told his friends what happened, and by some miracle, kimetrius and diego let him sleep in their couch. diego refused to talk to him for hurting his friend. kimetrius wasn't very mad, just heavily disappointed. you don't just walk out on your family. that's coward shit, and he doesn't like that.

diego and tyler had been talking. tyler and aj we're doing just fine. tyler missed his boyfriend, but diego reminded him that he could do without him. reminded him that rakim walked out on them, hurt them. he doesn't deserve to be there for his son.

and rakim? he was a mess. he regretted what he did, and he felt like shit. he was a selfish asshole, and he wouldn't be surprised if tyler found someone better. he deserved better.

rocky had been lying around on the couch in front of the tv when kimetrius came in. he grabbed the remote and shut off the show.

"pick your sad ass up, rakim."

damn, he was pissed. rakim immediately sat up, looking the taller male in the eyes.

"look, you know i got love for you, even though you're dumb as shit, but this ends here. you're gonna pick your ass up, go to tyler's house, get on your knees, and beg for his forgiveness."

rakim opened his mouth to speak, but the glare he got from kimetrius said enough.

"ain't no room for discussion, get up. and go talk to him. before i let diego at you with a knife."

rakim gulped. he knew kimetrius was right, he knew he needed to see tyler. but he couldn't, how could he face him after what he did? then he realized, it didn't matter. if he got his ass handed to him by tyler with words, he deserved it. he left his family, and that was unforgivable.

he nodded and stood up, slipping his shoes on and walking out the door. "hey, kim?"

"yeah, rock?"

"thank you."

•time skip :D•

he walked up to tyler's doorstep, and knocked. he heard a sqeal of happiness before footsteps came closer. the door unlocked and he opened it to see tyler.

he looked...happy.

"rakim? what're you doing here?" before he could answer he saw aj run up to tyler, pulling on his pant leg.

"daddy, legos!" tyler smiled down at his son before petting his head.

"hold on, baby. daddy has to talk to someone right now. i'll be in soon." he gave his son a kiss on the cheek for letting him run off. he looked over fondly to him, shaking his head.

and before rocky could talk, tyler spoke.

"fucking bastard."

ouch, he deserved that. he didn't like to hear his lover speak so coldly to him.

"you left. you actually fucking left. are you kidding me, rock? you think you can just leave, and show up 3 weeks later like nothing happened? fuck no. you hurt me. and more importantly, you hurt him. it took me a week to convince him that i wasn't going to take him back, and that i loved him. and if you think for a second i'm just gonna let you in because you're sorry, you're fucking wrong."

tyler looked at him the whole time he was giving him the work. he didn't stutter and he didn't back down. aj was his son, and he mattered more than anyone else in this world.

rocky, sighed, and he felt tears come to his eyes. it may not have seemed like it, but he really loved aj. the boy was such a ball of energy and happiness. and he had made his way into his heart. he never meant to make him feel like that.

'but i did' he thought.

he couldn't fix this with a hug or an apology, or even a promise to do better. promises didn't mean shit unless you meant them, and you do the work to make it right.

"tyler, i...i deserve that. my intention wasn't to hurt you. i was being selfish, and a dick. and i was wrong. i was so so wrong. i'm not asking for forgiveness or pity, i don't deserve either. i just want to be a part of his life again. and you set the pace. you control this."

tyler looked at him, searching his eyes for any dishonesty. he found none. rakim was being genuine.

he wasn't forgiven, not at all. but tyler was ready to let him attempt at making it right.

"you not coming home right now. not for a while. you can see him tomorrow if you want. but if you say one wring thing, you hurt my angel in any way, and i'll make sure you never have the chance again. you hear me?"

rakim nodded tearfully, and wiped his face with his sleeve. tyler saw and softened a little. he may have been fucking pissed and hurt, but he still had love for the darker male.

he put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "i'm not going to say it's okay, because it's not. you fucked up, and you have to pay for it. that doesn't mean i don't love you. for some reason, i still do. and we have to do this together, because we agreed to give him a loving home. and he doesn't deserve to suffer for our mistakes."

rocky looked up at him, surprised at how kind he sounded. he still had a chance, and he wasn't going to fuck it up.

"t-thank you, tyler."

tyler shook his head. "you and me not that cool, but you gotta make it up to aj. if he lets you see him at all."

tyler called aj, and the little sound of his feet came closer to the door. he took a look at the small boy, and he frowned. he looked so scared.

'i did that to him' he thought.

he bent down, and as soon as he did, the boy hid behind tyler's legs.

he really fucked up.

"hey, aj. i.... i'm so sorry, lil man. i hurt you. i was mean. and you didn't deserve that. i love you, and you aren't a bother to papa, okay?"

aj looked up at tyler, and he nodded. he walked over to him, and kissed rocky's cheek.

"i forgives you."

rocky's heart soared. he laughed and picked up his son, flying him around like an airplane.

"thank you, baby! papa loves you!"

aj giggled and rakim became even more hopeful. things seemed to be alright with ah, and now he had to fix them with tyler.

"tyler, i know i fucked up. i just wanna say thank you for giving me a chance. i'm not gonna fuck it up."

tyler hummed, and took aj from rocky's arms. "we'll see."

with a short goodbye, tyler closed the door and rakim made his way back to his friends house.

he had a feeling that things would be alright.

tell me why this is my longest oneshot and it only took me 2 hours

-maya 💙

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