Chapter Ten

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Emmanuel Verde parked his tan F-150, 2 door Ford pickup truck in fascia of the Rental Agency with full view of the property.  The rain drizzled down a little on his window pane and he started to doze off. It was 7:15 am and although he was just hired yesterday and not due to work his shift for an entire hour in a half. He wanted to make dam sure he was on time. He set cooped down in his front seat watching the residence and the property before 9:00 am. This was not his idea to snoop but he indeed was early and checking out his premises wasn't a bad idea. Emmanuel could not seem to leave his eyes open long enough to check anyone out. He slouched down lower in his seat leaning to the side watching nothing, but the morning light began to rise as the mild drops turned to a sudden flash flood of furious rainwater.

The sound put him to sleep, He awoke 25 minutes later from the sound of a dog barking. Drool hung from his bottom lip and his head drooped heavy by his soft dreads swooped down in the passenger seat.

Emmanuel opened one eye and realized he'd been in a deep slumber. Instantly he set up, forcing himself to focus, but on ... "What?

The immense number of individuals walking around that early in the morning after a down pour? Most people smiled and waved, as they walked their dogs or jogged the community. Their gleefulness almost seemed unnatural, in fact it spooked him a slightly. He lived in New York for a short while and it definitely looked nothing like this community appeared to him, in fact since he'd been in Georgia, he'd never seen anything quite like it. 

Upon his arrival from the Virgin Islands he'd obtained the first job available in his field. The Elementary school Head of the Janitorial Department sounded great nonetheless the salary wasn't what he had projected.

Life was simple back in Charlotte Amalie, yet he was supposed to be saving up to bring his son and wife back this time instead of sending money. His wife Camellia begged him not to send more money because she and her daughter wanted so much to join him in America.

Tracy Rose interviewed him upon sight. All he'd done was waltz coolly through the double doors with his resume in his grasp.

Totally unprepared for a formal interview, however she seemed hungry for workers and the compensation she talked about was almost double what he was making at the school.

She spoke bluntly, asked him if he could pass an HAVC written test if given at that very moment. Her frankness had intimidated he just a tad bit however he remained in control, taking the test and passing it missing only one question. She eyed him with surprise, on eye raised above her reddish colored locks.

"It isn't possible to cheat on a 30 -45 minute pop quiz on his knowledge?" He thought to himself as she starred him down.

As an islander he found her insinuating glare insulting. However, Tracie surprised when she asked if he would be willing to give his two week notice as of tomorrow to the school.

Emanuel stared out the window, feeling his eyes lids feeling weighty he started to doze off.

It was 7:15 am and although he was just hired yesterday and not due to work his shift for another full hour in a half, he wanted to make dam sure he was on time. He attempted to scope out the residence and the property before 9:00 am, well at least that was his original idea, but he couldn't seem to keep his eyes open.

Slouching down lower in his like he was sitting in his old Crown Victoria, spying on hi girl his eyes began to feel heavy. The F-150 wasn't bad however it was a little harder to relax then his car back home. Emanuel yawned and started to relaxed despite this as he listened to jazz playing softly, he slouched to the side watching nothing, but the morning light began to rise as the mild drops turned to a sudden flash flood of furious rainwater.

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