You know who

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Did you like that plot twist? How many of you have questions now? Don't worry this chapter should answer them all. Don't forget to vote! Sorry about the long update I've had really bad writters block and didn't want to keep writing and ruin the story. 

Chapter 14 

Kim, there was Kim I couldn't process what was happening but there she stood with a wicked smile I'd never seen before.

"Confused?" she asked smugly at me, when I didn't answer David decided to speak out.

"Who are you and what involvement do you have in all this?"

"Patience is a virtue and is something you could learn about but I guess you've been waiting long enough. That night you decided to betray our kind I was watching from the shadows, I was the first vampire Melvin turned, that night I made my first kill. On the way back to where we were staying a group of hunters ambushed us, Melvin held them off long enough so I could get away there and I watched them kill my master. I was alone in the world, a newly turned vampire with no one, it was later that I learned that you and those other cowards were responsible for what happened." She looked Max dead in the eye before another wicked smile crept onto her lips.

"That's when I decided that you and the others would pay for what you did. So slowly I started building an army turning random people making them go through what I had to, only I never expected my little Rose to know your Marko. That was fate leading me to you Max"

I was the reason she found Max and why they were all in danger, Marko pulled me closer to his side, a low grow escaped his lips as I felt his nails dig into me but his eyes were looking to the trees. Following his gaze I then noticed mulipi vampires leaving the trees making their way to the clearing, there must have been about thirty of them.

"Now I don't want to hurt your boys but I will if it means getting to you Max, so hurry up and make up your mind I don't have all night"

The boys looked between each other and then to Max before he spoke.

"There's no need for you boys to die for my mistake, leave Santa Carla and get far away" he adjusted his glasses before standing tall. Only none of the boys moved, instead they straightened up and took a step closer as if to say they were ready to fight.

"You might be a pain in our arses but you're still our sire" David gave him a smirk.

"Here's your answer Kim" David shouted over to the female vampire before a roar from the vamps around her erupted and they charged towards us. 

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