A note

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A big thank you for the veiws and votes so far! You guys are amazing!

Another chapter sorry it's a few days late, I was working on a different story trying to push the last few chapters out and lost track of days. I want to start moving things forward lets get some drama in here!This chapter may be shorter then the others, I do always aim for over a 1,000 words so it might be just a 1,000 or a little less. 

 Also the aim for this story is to have about 20 chapters but we'll see how it turns out. 

Chapter 10

The night came round too quick as I opened my eyes, they scanned the room. Back in the cave, after last night me and Star were in no state to walk and the boys had to get us home. I hope she was feeling the hangover I was, as I slowly sat up and the world started to spin slightly.

Letting out a groan my head fell into my hand as I closed my eyes, why did we drink so much? The bed made a slight dip as someone sat down next to me, I could feel their clothes brush up against my leg. Slowly I turned my head to see who it was, with one eye opened I saw the bright jacket and let out another huff before letting my body collapse onto his lap.

"Someone's feeling rough" he chucked, his body vibrating through mine as he did so.

"Do you have to laugh so loud" I moaned as I squirmed around so I was now looking up at him.

"Maybe next time don't go so hard" he said, stroking my hair that fell across his lap and the bed.

"And where's the fun in that?" I smirked up at him.

"You make a good point" he chuckled again.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked, closing my eyes as he continued to stroke my hair.

"Well I was hoping I could steal you for the night" opening my eyes I looked up once again at him. A cheeky grin crossing his face.

"I don't know will Paul be okay that I'm taking his lover for the night" I smirked back at him.

"Hey I heard that!" Paul shouted from somewhere in the cave, which made us both burst into laughter.

"I'd like that, wanna come to my place?"

"Sure, hurry up and get ready so we can go" he gave my hair a slight tug to make me get up, with a heavy sigh I sat up from his lap.

"Meanie" I said, sticking my tongue out.

"Oh I'm a meanie am I? Maybe I should show you how mean I can be" he said before leaping towards me.

Only I think he forgot that I'm still half vampire and have been for nearly as long as he had been a full vamp so my reflexes were pretty good. A giggle escaped my lips as I leaped out the bed, my bare feet touching the ground and the baggy t-shirt, I'm guessing Marko had dressed me, fell just above my knees. I took off running round the bed, where he once again tried to leap to grab me but missing slightly. As I made my way into the main bit of the cave I could see Paul, maybe he would be my saviour? only before I could get to him a pair of arms grabbed me round the waist and lifted me off the ground.

"Gottcha" he purred into my ear as he spun me around.

"You sure do" I laughed back as he started to lick my neck, making me squirm in his arms.

"You two need to get a room, your happiness makes me sick" Paul said laughing from the fountain.

"Awh I'm sorry Paul, we'll keep it PG for you" Marko said before licking my face causing another round of giggles as I tried to pull free.

"Marko let Rose go get dressed if you want your alone time" David said from his wheelchair, you could tell he was amused with what was going on but still wanted us to hurry up.

"Yes sir" he said but instead of putting me on my feet he just carried me to where Star normally went to get dressed. There was a small mirror and the shopping bags we had bought the day before.

Pulling out some clothes out the bags,I looked over to where Marko still stood.

"Are you going to stand there while I get dressed?" I raised my brow.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, plus I want to see what masterpiece you're going to pull together" he said taking a seat at the little beauty table.

Shaking my head I went back to the bag, grabbing the new white underwear set, a pair of white fishnet tights and a pink oversized jumper. Slipping out of the top I began to get dressed, casting a look over to Marko who was looking through the stuff on the beauty table. Slipping on my trainers I straightened out the outfit before turning to Marko.

"So what do you think?" I said giving a spin.

"Nice I like it," he said getting up from the chair. As we made our way through the cave and to his bike. We didn't have to wait for the others so we just set off to mine, giving him directions.

"This is your place?" he asked as he got off his bike offering his hand to help me off.

"Sure is" I said as we walked up to the house, unlocking the door I walked in and waited for Marko to follow, only he stood by the door.

"Umm what are you doing?"

"You've got to invite me in remember?" he smirked at me like I didn't know.

"Not here, I never signed a contract so technically no one owns this place so you can just walk in." I smiled back at him, as he then stepped through the doorway.

"Smart but also dangerous" he shut the door behind him and picked up the post I had neglected to pick up as I walked in.

"I will take it on board" I laughed as I made my way to the kitchen, until my blood ran cold as a scream escaped my lips. Within seconds Marko was at my side and taking in what lay before me.

The table that once stood in the middle of the kitchen was now smashed into pieces and scattered across the kitchen. Blood smeared all around the white tile floors stopping at the two bodies of my once living neighbours contorted into a letter of a M. Pinned to one of the bodies was a note, tapping Marko I pointed to the note which he gently took off the dead body, before putting it in the middle for us both to read.

I said we needed to talk yet you decided not to listen, I hope this acts as a warning.

I do not like being ignored Rose, next time you do I will take someone special away. Perhaps that boy with the colourful jack, Marko is his name right?, one of Max's boys.

Now don't play games with me, I will meet you tomorrow.

You don't need to know who I am, you'll know when we meet. 

Long Lost FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora