First glance

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Here is chapter 5 as promised sorry it's a day late, I thought I had pressed publish but I pressed save instead, my bad. A quick thank you to everyone who has read the story, saved it, voted or left a comment it really means a lot to me. I'm hoping this story overtime will beat my other Lost Boys story in views it's got a long way to go before it's near 1.2k.

Chapter 5

I had slept so well being out late always meant it took more energy to get up in the mornings. Looking over at my clock the time read twelve meaning I had enough time to jump in the shower, get a bite to eat before heading off for my shift at work. I was lucky enough to not be closing again tonight, tonight's shift was only a short one 2-6 just to cover one of the girls that works part time. 

Jumping out the shower I proceed back to my room putting my uniform on before drying my hair. Then came makeup. I'd like to think of myself as an artist when it came to this part applying an even amount of foundation, a tad bit of blush to my cheeks before sculpting perfect wings with my eyeliner and finishing it off with mascara. 

Looking back over the clock it read 1:20, I had enough time to grab some food but I really didn't want to cook so I headed to the diner early just so I could grab something from there with no fuss, even if it was disgusting I needed nourishment. 

Walking into the diner I noticed about three or four people scattered around the diner just doing their own thing. Taking a seat in the booth near the counter I pulled out the menu, now I know I work here but I never really took any notice of what was on the menu. Scanning it quickly I now knew why people never came here; it wasn't very appetising and the stuff that sounded edible was so overpriced. 

"Hey girl, what are you doing in early?" Jim came to take my order.

Jim was such a lovely guy he was in his twenties, had light brown shaggy hair and soft brown eyes. He'd been working here a few months more than me, other than that I didn't know much about him other than he didn't work weekends because he was always partying.

"I couldn't be bothered to cook so thought I'd grab something from here" I replied back, scanning the menu once more.

"You poor soul what can I get you?" he laughed knowing how bad the food was.

"Can I have some cheese fries, a large coke and something with a lot of chocolate" I put the menu down and played with the napkin that had been left on the table.

"Sure thing I'll get it out asap, oh Mel wants to question you about some guy so I'll let her know you're in early" he smiled and turned back to the kitchen.

Sure enough Mel came rushing out from the back and practically jumped in the seat in front of me.

"Tell me everything!" she squealed in excitement.

"About what?" I knew what she wanted. It was just fun to play with her, Jim came over and put my drink down before going to serve some customers that had just walked in.

"Come on Rose you know what I'm talking about" she whined.

"I'm guessing Kim told you about the other night?" I smiled at her, Mel was such a gossip so I wasn't surprised. 

"Maybe" she said with a sly smile on her face"

"Fine so last night I hung out with Dwayne"

"Dwayne that's his name, I like it, it suits him. So what did you two do?" 

"We just explored the boardwalk and then I met his other brother"

"Other brother, which one?"

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