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Another chapter as promised for all you beautiful people, after this I have one more chapter which is half done so I will get that finished for you all and post it.  Also if you guys like Lost Boys you should check out some people on youtube exploring the cave that it was filmed in. 

Chapter 7

Slowly my vision came back to me along with a sharp pain in my head. What the hell happened last night, my eyes fluttered open and the realisation I wasn't at home hit me. I wasn't home, I wasn't in a hospital, I was in a cave, why was I in a cave.

"Ah you're awake finally" a voice boomed throughout the cave causing me to sit up sharply to take in where the voice had come from. Only this hurt my head and caused a hiss from my lips to escape.

"Maybe I shouldn't have hit you so hard" now it was clear who had spoke as David made his way to the bed I had been placed on.

"Where am I, what do you want?" I asked as he made his way closer to the bed.

"Why do humans always ask the same boring questions?" his comment caused laughter to travel through the cave. Meaning he wasn't the only one with me, looking around the cave the flicker of light that came from the burning bins made the room glow orange. Shadows danced across the walls as the flames danced in the bin.

"Well it would be nice to know why you hit me as well but I was just gonna assume you were a dick" I don't know where that courage came from, maybe I had a concussion either way it didn't matter. The cave seemed more full of life as the laughter grew louder until a familiar blonde came my way.

"Hey girl how about you stop being lazy and get out of bed" Paul laughed as he held out an outstretched hand to help me up. Skeptically I looked at the hand but took it anyway he was one of the only people I knew and that might have worked in my favour or not.

"That's better now let's go chill on the sofa" leading me from the bed that was tucked away in the corner I made my way into the main bit of the cave.

Sat on a beat up chair was Dwayne and on his lap was Laddie who had a book in his hand. A gypsy girl lingered in the entrance to the cave, since she was the only female I guessed that was Star that Laddie had mentioned. Leaning by one of the walls at the back of the cave stood Marko, if it wasn't for the flames catching on the patchwork jacket you wouldn't have been able to see him.

Dragging me down onto the sofa I practically ended on top of Paul which caused me to blush a very deep shade of red. Seeing the blush he began to smile clearly pleased with what he had done. Moving away slightly I made myself comfortable on the sofa as David sat in an old wheelchair staring at me, the room fell into silence waiting for someone to say something. 

"So is this where you guys live" I broke the silence, looking around once more at the cave before my eyes rested on David waiting for an answer.

"It sure is, did you know this was....." David started to explain.

"I already know the history of this place, I looked it up before moving here" I interrupted David before he could give his speech.

 "So how long have you been in the sunny Santa Carla?" he asked sitting back in his chair.

"Not too long" I didn't want to give away much. I didn't know anything about this guy.

"Where were you before?"

"Just around"

"Right" was all he said as the cave went back into silence once again.

"Why don't we cut to the chase? What do you really want to know?" I was really fed up now, my head was hurting and I just wanted to go home to shower and sleep.

"You get to the point, I like that" David said leaning forward.

"It's very clear that you know Marko so why don't you enlighten us how" Marko had moved forward from the wall he was leaning against and was now making his way towards David interested in what I had to say next.

All the nerves I had the other day had gone as I made eye contact once again with him. Why was I so worried, he's the one that left, he's the one that created all of this and here he was swanning around like nothing happened.

"I've known him since I was a child" I answered truthfully.

"So you and Marko are the same age?" he asked almost in disbelief like it was some kind of joke.

"Correct he is a few months older than me but we are the same age" Marko just watched as I spoke. It was like he was trying to piece together all the bits.

"Okay so if you know our Marko so well maybe you could answer a few questions that only he knows the answer to?" Marko looked at David and nodded like they were having a private conversation that no one else could hear.

"Sure thing" I smirked. This would be easy.

"Where am I from" it was the first time I heard his voice in so long, what I thought would be an easy task was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Bringing up all the memories that I tried too hard to forget about, letting out a breath I answered.

"Italy, more exact Venice" shock swept across his face but quickly went away as we carried on with the questions.

"Lucky guess, next question. Who was my first kiss?" he seemed smug about this one and so did his friends.

"Well it depends if you're counting when you were like 8 and kissed a girl called Hannah, if not then if was when we were 13 and she was called Ellie and you had the biggest crush on her until you found out she had a missing nail on her toe. I don't know why it freaked you out so much" I laughed at the memory.

"Righhht ummm next question before I left Italy I had an argument with a girl what was the argument about and what was she called" he mumbled as the question drew to a close almost ashamed to ask.

This was the question I didn't want to answer, it meant bringing up one of the most painful memories I tried hard to forget but this was the one that would make him remember, it would make him believe me.

"Umm the girl was called Rose and you had gotten into an argument over you leaving" tears started to form in my eyes as I thought back to that night.

"You had met some guys and had started acting weird, you didn't want to see me anymore. Then you came in one night and started packing your stuff saying you needed a fresh start. We both started arguing and I remember shouting to you that I hoped you didn't come back as you took our jack and slammed the door, I didn't realise that would be the last time I saw you." By the time I finished I was crying and I couldn't stop it. All that angry I had towards him now turned into sadness as more tears trickled down my cheek.

I was then grabbed from the sofa and pulled into a tight embrace, my foggy vision made it hard to see but the patches on the jacket made it clear who it was. There we stood in a tight embrace like nothing else mattered, more tears fell from my eyes as I hugged him back wanting to never let go.

"I know this is a happy moment for you two but we need answers" David's voice echoed through the cave catching our attention and causing us to pull away. 

Long Lost FriendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora