Can Wait

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You know what I need
Right about now?
A pick-me-up
Something to make me laugh out loud.

A video maybe
Or maybe a meme
Some friends to talk to
Would be good too.

But I can't.
And there's not.
All anything seems to say
Is "Kelli you're incompetent,
Jeez just go away."

The world is not spinning
And it's just getting worse.
My problems can wait,
I won't offset the course.

But I can.
And I will.
There's nothing they can do
Cuz my brain is hyperactive
And my heart is beating, too.

Everything's scattered
And nothing's the same.
Things are all changing
Like some prank of a game.

What used to be a joke
Is keeping jokes from coming.
And what used to be peaceful
Is coming out too violent.

And anything I say
Makes me a bad person.
And anything I say
Is just gonna hurt others.

You're the nicest girl I know.
She would never hurt a soul.
But one slip up and there you go.

If everyone likes me,
Why don't I?
Looking deep in
and wondering why.

Not perfect
Not cruel
Don't do anything I don't want to do.
But I'm not a nice person
And it's always been like that.
Like some sick facade
I can't seem to take back.

And the worst is coming out
Cuz the worst is what's happening.

I'm missing
I'm hurting
It's painful
But it's fine

It'll be over within time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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