Moving in

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A/n this is my first book ever so I am excited this chapter is gonna be boring but it will get better throughout the story I promise! -Bumblebee🐝✨

Frank had just got his new apartment, he was new to Houston, but his best friend, Ray lived there for a few months now and loves it there.

Ray had offered to come over and help Frank unpack and Frank accepted his kind gesture. When Ray got there Frank had managed to take most of the boxes up to his apartment, he may be short but he is stronger than you would think, Frank was startled when he turned around to see Ray carrying the rest of the boxes on a dolly. "Oh, It's just you, don't scare me like that!" Ray chuckled, "Nice to see you too Frank." Frank giggled at that. "Let's get to unpacking so we can get some food afterwards."

~•time skip•~

Franks POV:
When we finished unpacking it was around dinner time (ray had came around 12pm) Ray suggested to drive me around to help me get used to the area. We stepped out into the hot evening and I immediately regretted putting on sweatpants and a hoodie. "Jesus it's hot" I exclaimed. "Welcome to Texas Frank." Ray chuckled as we headed towards his car.

We were driving around for a while, Ray telling me places that were hiring so I could get a job, I need money to pay for the rent. "What sounds good to you?" Ray asked "uhhhh I don't really know..ohhh wait I kinda want a salad." I said my stomach rumbling right at the same time I said that. "Hmmm we could stop by this one place I know that has good salad." So that's where we went. Our dinner consisted of checking in on each other and just talking about life in general. "So how is everything with Jamia?" Ray questioned, I frowned. "She broke up with me after I told her I was moving, she complained about me moving across the country and said it would be better to end things then and there." Ray frowned. "I'm so sorry to hear that!" I gave him a weak smile "it's fine,  Anyways how are things with you and Christa?" I asked trying to change the subject on me and Jamia. "Great! I'm thinking about proposing to her!" Ray said happily "That's great! I better be your best man!" I said jokingly. Ray chuckled at that.

~•A little time skip•~

Me and Ray were driving he wanted to take me by his house to just hang out. I agreed, he lives a little outside of the city but I love long car rides so I'm okay with it. Our car ride consisted of talking and listening to The Misfits, Sum 41, The Beetles, and a bunch of other bands. We passed this cool looking Asylum? Castle? It looked really really old. "Dude what's that?" I said pointing at it "Oh that's just the old asylum it has been here since the 1300s" he said as we passed I looked back at it and I swear I saw a figure in one of the windows on the floor close to the very top. I tried to get a better look at it but it was too far.

My visit consisted of even more talking and Jesus they could talk for hours, I spaced out at one point and all I could think about was that asylum and the figure I saw in the window the figure looked male but had shoulder length hair, could they be a ghost? Ray did say that it has been here since the 1300s so that could explain th- "FRANK?!" I snapped out of my trance to see Ray and Christa looking at me with a concerned look on their faces. "Yes?" I said in a frustrated tone, they had just interrupted my thoughts. "Geez no need to get frustrated, are you okay?" Ray asked me "Sorry, yeah I was just thinking and I don't like it when people interrupt my thoughts." Ray's face changed from an concerned look to a curious look "what were you thinking about?" I didn't want them to think I was weird so I lied "oh just where I was going to work and stuff like that." Ray smiled a little "there's this tattoo parlor somewhere close to your apartment you could work at, there's also that Starbucks we passed too!" Ray seemed overly excited about helping me find a job, unfortunately my selection of jobs is low cause I have a lip piercing, nose piercing and a bunch of tattoos, which I think is stupid cause who cares if I don't look professional all that should matter is that I'm good at my job. "Yeah that sounds good, I would prefer to work at Starbucks cause I think I could make a good barista." I said proudly, Ray chuckled at that. "It's getting a bit late want me to drive you back?" Ray is too kind  "That would be great."

We were driving back and I made sure to look at that asylum to see if I could see the same figure but I caught a glimpse of, two figures standing next to each other they were definitely both men, but I didn't see the one I saw earlier and weirdly there was a light only in that window it looked like a lantern light, it definitely wasn't those lights we have now days. But after a while of driving and listening to music we made it back to my apartment and it was around 10 or 11pm. I thanked Ray for the ride and made my way up to my apartment unlocking the door and walking inside to find that it was freezing, I went to my room and rummaged through my closet to find something warm to wear. I got changed and brushed my teeth and heard what sounded like a thud, I was here alone I didn't even have a pet. I finished getting ready and decided to check it out I walked around my whole apartment which wasn't big, nothing, I just decided to call it a night.

~•Another time skip•~

I woke up sweating I checked the time to see it was  4am, I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after that dream I had, it left my thoughts racing.

How about that for a first chapter? I'm excited to write this story! And don't get mad at me for the cliffhanger but I like leaving things a cliffhangers cause I'm mean like that, anyways bye for now peeps -Bumblebee🐝✨

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