University of the Lost Era : A Home and School of the Lost

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The University of the Lost Era, is
prestigious school for teenagers who have
special abilities. It is established in the year 1755, the early years of the Spanish Colonialization here in the Philippines. It is also called or commonly reffered to as the "Home and School of the Lost." The University can be found in the depth of the Forest Germundo. The Tree Of The Two
Worlds, is a majestic tree that serves as the entrance to the University Land and this tree keeps the University invisible to the eyes of the normal people, which also has been the protection of the University over the centuries. The University is a huge castle with a large gate in front of it and a five tall towers that stands in the castle. It may look impossible, but the University has thousand of rooms, including the classrooms and dormitories.

The mission of the University is to control, develop and harness the abilities that is within each student invited to study at the University, until they reach the age of 22, where they can already or finally decide, if they want to live a normal life or continue the life of being an ability holder.

Ms. Lianne Aduana, being the President with the longest-term or the first President of the University since 1755. After the grave mistake she have done, a punishment of serving the students and handling the school was given to her and it will only end in such time and such way. She remained young since the day her punishment started.

The students needs to complete 10 Grade Levels in order to finish studying and to choose what will be their life.

More deep stories, histories and revelations of the University will all be revealed as you read this story. You will meet many people with different attitudes, personalities and abilities. This story will focus on many storylines that will make you happy, sad and amazed.

The UNIVERSITY is waiting for you! Come, and hear the story that surrounds it!

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