The omega

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jimin pov

I just want to sleep, Iv been cleaning the whole pack house for 3 hours and I still need to make dinner for everyone.
Your probably wondering why I haft to do it well,
I'm a omega. Which is basically the lowest rank for wolfs, you see you humans have the rich, the middle class and the poor. Well we wolfs have the alphas, the betas and the Omegas.

Omegas are rare but male omegas are rarer but that's not a good thing. You see in my pack (the winter moon) because of my rank I get treated like shit. I haft to do all the cooking and cleaning. No help, it's all just me!

my parents don't care about me, all they do is make sure I work and if I don't i get a beating from them but it's not as worse and the future alpha beatings. That's right Jeon Jung-kook. The future leader of the winter moon pack, not going to lie but he is really hot but he is a dick.
Everyday he and his gang Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok beat me up. There is the one boy though taehyung who is there but he just watches me with pity in his eyes. I have talked to him once and he is really nice I guess he just hangs out with the wrong people. Maybe one day we could be frien-



"yes dad"


"no I was just answ- AGHHH let goooo"
He gets a chunk of my silver hair and starts to drag me around by it.

"Know your place YOU HEAR ME"

"Yess I understand please let go it hurts"

He let's go if my hair and chucks me to the other side of the room and starts to head out but not before he gives me a punch straight to my face. That's definitely going to leave a another bruise.

I couldn't stop the tears that dribbled out of my eyes.
"when will it stop" I whispered before blacking out

Jungkooks pov

I woke up with some girl who I don't know next to me naked. What happened last night? Or right the party.  I don't remember anything. Now another girl to wake up and kick out.
I started tapping her to wake up.

" wake up,
wake up"

"Oh, morning baby" she says trying to act cut but failing miserably.

"Get out"


"I said get out, should I repeat it again?" I say starting to get pissed off

"Why do you want me to leave?!?! I though we had something. You said you love me! I let you take me first! Please don't leave me! I love you !"

" listen I don't like you, not now not later not ever! Not get your desperate ass out of my room or I'll kick you out of the pack once im alpha!"

"You'll regret this jungkook! Just you see" she says putting her clothes on and leaving

What a desperate bitch. Maybe I was too harsh on her? Naah fuck it she shouldn't disrespect me like that. Plus she should of seen it coming. The whole pack know that I'm a fuckboy. I sleep with a girls, kick them out same routine.

Anyways I need to find taehyung. I get dressed and went down stairs passing the omegas room.
Maybe I should pay a quick visit. With a smirk on my face I enter his room to find him on the floor unconscious.

My heart breaks a bit if the sight I feel something. Pity? I walk up to him and tap him on the face

Wake up
Wake up
Open you eyes
JIMIN wake up"

I suddenly feel a hand in my cheek. I look at him to find his eyes staring deep in my.
My face must be burning red right now. I never realised how cute he look his plump lips and sharp jawline. I wonder how we would look underne-
WOAH WOAH WHY AM I thinking like that.
I'm not gay! Am I gay? Nooo! I'm not a faggot.

I break out of my trance from his eyes and get up to give him a good kick in the ribs before leaving.

I slam the door shut and lean against the wall.

What the fuck was that

I know it's not the best but I'm bored ✌️

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