chapter 20: her softening heart

Start from the beginning

Jieun paused for a while to think. They had started off on a rough patch - with Jungkook doing mean things to her and her saying nasty things back to him in return. She always thought that he must be just rude by nature, but over the past few days, she realised that her preconceived idea of him... might not actually be completely true.

He, just like other people, had different sides to him as well. He had problems, he had struggles, he too - like Jieun - was working hard to achieve his goals and fulfil his dreams. He was probably going through an unspeakable lot of problems behind the scenes that most people - including Jieun - would not have found out about if not for the fact that she had joined his makeup team and heard such things from his manager himself.

Could all this be a misunderstanding after all?

Up till this point, Jieun had always ruled out this possibility because in her mind, she had already subconsciously classified him as 'the rude brat'. But in that moment, as Jieun watched Jungkook through the glass window, struggling to fake a smile in front of the show hosts, she took the time to rethink her decision.

Perhaps all this conflict between them could be attributed to ill fate, but simply because they started off on a rough patch didn't mean that they would always have to stay this way. Maybe she should try getting to know him for the person he was, as Jeon Jungkook - not as JK, the k-pop idol.

Jieun had come here to dig out the ugly truth about him, but who would have thought - she'd learn so much more.


"Does this make any sense?"

Hoseok, Chungha and Hyejin stood in a row with their heads lowered. Namjoon sat right in front of them, viewing the footage of Hyejin grabbing the mic from Chungha and stepping into the camera frame.

"Jung Hoseok!" Namjoon glanced up from his computer, his face red with anger. "You told me that bringing Jieun-ssi out for field experience stimulated the passion in her, that's why I agreed to let Hyejin-ssi tag along with you today. But she was only going with you to observe. Backing down and leaving Hyejin-ssi with no choice but to do what you were supposed to do - does that make sense any to you?"

"I mean..." Hoseok mumbled under his breath. "You know how badly I was cyberbullied for asking that question last time..."

"What are you saying?" Namjoon slammed his hand down on the table. "Don't mumble under your breath. If you have anything to say, just say it to my face."

"I was saying-" Hoseok said louder this time, looking at Namjoon in the eye. "The last time I asked JK an inappropriate question and his entire fandom started attacking me, remember? Since you know that, I wonder why you'd send me to go interview him again. I'm curious if it's just a coincidence, or it could be because of something else-"

"It's not a coincidence," Namjoon admitted without batting an eyelid. "I sent you there on purpose, because you know that's what reporters have to go through, Jung Hoseok. And that's why I sent you and Kim Chungha this time, and even for the press conference before this - even though you two were the ones who reported on his dating scandal. It's just something you have to deal with as a reporter."

Hoseok bit his lower lip, lowering his head once more.

"I had a question for you, but you answered it with question for me-" Namjoon said sternly. "If you're sent for a reporting job, regardless of how awful you may feel, you just have to do it with no questions asked, Jung Hoseok. You have had four whole years of experience now, I expected much better from you. Do you have anything to say?"

Hoseok pursed his lips and shook his head this time. "I admit that I was at fault, bujang-nim. As their senior, I should have taken control of the situation better. I am wrong, and I will change. I won't back down like a coward the next time, bujang. I'm sorry for embarrassing myself, you and the company."

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