chapter 17: enemies for life

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"You better watch out!" Byulyi yelled. "What happened today will not be forgotten easily."

Seokjin grinned. "You watch out."

Then he turned and left, leaving Byulyi fuming mad and Jieun desperately trying her best to hold her back.


"What 'my type'? What 'kind and warm'?" Byulyi scoffed. "That guy... he's the worst person I have ever met in my life, hands down - and I have met a lot, trust me."

"What exactly happened?" Jieun laughed, amused by Byulyi's clear anger towards Seokjin. It seemed like their first meeting was just as unpleasant as her and Jungkook's. "And how did you guys even recognise each other? You've never even seen each other before this-"

"By his annoying voice, obviously!" Byulyi whined. "Ah! It's a long story, I'll tell you later when we go home. It's so upsetting, really. I guess I just have horrible luck with people..."

"What even brings you here, unnie?" Jieun smiled as she gave her friend a tight hug. "I'm surprised... I thought you were busy writing your new novel."

"I was busy, but if course I had to make time to support my favourite makeup artist on her first official schedule-" Byulyi giggled, cheering up a little. "So you did that makeup on his face earlier? Daebak- I had a small glimpse of it and it looks pretty good-"

"Right? Right?" Jieun beamed. "I'm really proud of it as well... Unnie, I'm so glad I didn't lose my touch even after all these years."

"Your makeup was great..." Byulyi grinned as she whispered into Jieun's ear. "And actually that guy doesn't seem that mean to you, plus, I noticed that he's really rather handsome in person - would you like to perhaps... consider developing a relationsh-"

"I can't hear you all of a sudden-" Jieun covered ears. "I better get back to work now, unnie - don't wanna get fired on my first day. See you!"

"Ah, wait-" Byulyi reached into her back and handed Jieun a small lunch bag. "I came to deliver this to you."

"Ah, I love you so much!" Jieun squealed as she hugged Byulyi tight. "Who needs a boyfriend when I have Moon Byulyi? What would I ever do without you?"

"I'll leave first, alright?" Byulyi smiled as she ruffled up Jieun's hair a little. She waved at Jieun as she headed towards the door. "See you later!"

"See you later tonight, unnie!"

Jieun looked down at the lunch bag with a smile, as she hurried towards the lift and made her way back up to the waiting room on the third floor. Seokjin had texted her where exactly the room was a while ago, so she had no problem locating it at all.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

Jieun had her hand on the doorknob, but froze when she heard Seokjin's loud voice coming from inside the room.

"I'm satisfied with how it looks, hyung," Jungkook replied. "Isn't that enough?"

"How am I gonna explain this to Yang sajang-"

"We'll go on stage like this for the rehearsal, get feedback from the PD-nim-" Jungkook said firmly. "We can change it during the two hour break before the actual showcase. But... if there's a need to, I promise to take full responsibility."

"Why are you so stubborn about this?"

It was silent for a while.

"Firstly, there's no time to remove and redo it right now." Jungkook paused. "And secondly, I promised to get along well with her and that means giving her equal opportunities as the rest to prove herself as well. You know that I'm a man of my promises, hyung. I wanna keep this promise."

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