chapter 14: the fright of her life

Start from the beginning

Jieun felt a tap on her shoulders and froze, quickly shoving her brown notebook back into her pocket before anyone could see it.

"Jieun-unnie?" Miyeon said with a smile. "Could you go back to the dressing room to clean up? I need to be here on standby to touchup Jungkook-ssi's makeup."

"Okay, sure!"

Jieun went back to the dressing room to help out with organising the makeup and cleaning up the dressing room.

"Do you think Lee Jieun passed JK's test?"

"I think she did! Did you see V's eye shadow? Insane, I've never seen an eye shadow so well-blended. And the wing...? Crazy, it went so well with his outfit."

"Like real... you think JK really meant what he said when he said he'd be honest? He's the most tyrannic person I have ever met, and he seems to dislike Lee Jieun quite a bit... I bet he'll kick her out."

"I want her to stay though... To be honest, she has amazing potential... With more practice, she can potentially become one of the best in the industry-"

"Ahem-" Jieun cleared her throat loudly as she walked into the room, shocking Taehyung's makeup artists. "I heard you needed me here?"

"Oh- Oh-" The girls cleared their throats and got to their feet. "Jieun-ssi, we cleared our side, so all you need to do is clear yours too."

Jieun nodded with a smile. "Alright, thank you."

"All the best, we all think you did great with V's makeup. We hope you manage to stay on, Jieun-ssi."

"Ah-" Jieun let out a shy smile, her heart swelling as she had never received compliments for someone's makeup before. "Thank you."

The group of Taehyung's makeup artists turned to leave, but Jieun decided to seize her chance then and there before it was too late.

Jieun spun around. "Um... may I ask you girls a question?"

The girls turned around in surprise.

"Do any of you happen to know what's the beef between V-ssi and JK-ssi?" Jieun let out an awkward laugh. "You see... I've only been here for a day, so I was wondering why they seem to be on bad terms..."

"Ah-" One of the girls stepped forward. "We've been wondering about that too, actually. You see, we've all only been here for around 2-3 years, and the two have never had a single overlapping schedule. Based on what we observed today, it seems like JK is the one who's one-sidedly upset with our V..."

"Oh-" Jieun nodded slowly, noting the similarities in their observations with hers. "I see, thanks so much."

"No worries," the girl continued. "There's another that might be related though, but I'm not too sure either-"

Jieun's eyes lit up. "What is it?"

"I heard from some seniors that JK used to be a trainee at our company... maybe they had some beef back then that carried on till now."

"Oh-" Jieun suddenly recalled one fact from Jungkook's profile she had been memorising all night. Ex-Gold Entertainment trainee... "Taehyung-ssi is from Gold Entertainment?"

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