Chapter 14

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"What?" I gaped at him. "Spies for who?"

"This cannot leave the room, Callie." He glanced back toward the door. "This is the only place I am able to speak freely to you, thanks to an enchantment I've placed upon this room. When the door is shut, no one can spy on us." He stood once more and began pacing the floor in front of me. "I have, over the last several months, felt that I was being followed and spied upon. I trust no one, save for a couple gods with whom I work closely. When Persephone never returned, I worried that perhaps she had something to do with the sudden change in my home. I'm very cautious of how I behave, and what I say in front of people. I'm also concerned about you and your safety. I don't want any weakness I show for you to put you in a place of danger."

"I'm not as weak as I look." I muttered, feeling defensive.

A small smile crooked in the corner of his mouth. "I don't believe you're weak, Callie. I think you just need to understand who you're up against. These are full-blooded gods. Gods who could hurt you without a single thought. A snap of their fingers and you are dead. And they probably wouldn't even care." He knelt in front of me and set his hand gently on top of one of mine, which was clutching the arm rest. "I know this situation happened quickly, and you're still confused about a lot of things, but I want to make something absolutely clear to you. If you become my wife, I take my duties as your husband with absolute seriousness. Even if you never feel anything more than respect for me, I will still stand beside you and protect you. Do you understand?"

My heart was practically beating out of my chest. The straight-up intensity and passion coming out of him was confusing. I'd only been introduced to him formally about 6 hours ago, and yet I already felt so comfortable with him. All I could do in response was nod.

He grasped my hand and lifted it up. He bowed his head and rested his forehead along my knuckles. I swallowed down the lump in my throat and watched him. He was barely touching me, and yet it was the single-most intimate thing I had ever experienced. Hades, arguably one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe, was bowing to me. He raised his head just enough to lay a soft kiss on the top of my hand. An electric hum shot through me again, and I could feel the rest of my body respond in turn. I sucked in a breath. There was an ache between my thighs that would not go away. In fact, it was growing with intensity every millisecond his mouth was on my skin, and my body was relishing the feeling. Tingles ran down my spine and goosebumps followed in a wave. Before I let it go too far, I closed my eyes tight and forced myself to break away.

I pulled my hand from his and rose off the couch. Hades stood, too, and suddenly we were almost chest-to-chest. I side-stepped and backed away, smacking into the drink cart. I heard something tip over, but all I could do was stare into his smoldering eyes.

"Are you okay?" he lifted a hand, as if to reach out to me again.

I nodded. "The room is just a little warm." I lied. "I think I need some fresh air. I'll see you later."

I hurried to the door and slipped out without another word. I glanced down the long halls on either side and realized I wasn't sure how to get back to the foyer. I headed in the direction I thought we'd come from, staring at the hem of my gown as I walked.

Hades believed there were spies watching us, but he hadn't explained why. He hinted that it may have to do with Persephone, but that didn't make much sense in my mind. If I had been told where to go and who to be for centuries and I was suddenly free, I wouldn't sit around watching my captors. I'd get as far away as I could, settle down somewhere quiet, and get on with my life.

I continued to walk the halls, allowing my logical mind to try to sort through the facts my fiancé had given me. I was so lost in my thoughts that as I rounded a corner, I smacked face-first into something hard. I clutched my aching forehead, groaning.

"Argh!" I looked up to see who I'd hit, and froze.

Standing over me was Hermes, who looked like he was about to laugh. It seemed that a demigod couldn't leave a dent on a god. He was wearing a green button-up and khaki shorts, complete with his golden low-tops. Paired with his clothes, his golden skin and dark curly hair gave him such a youthful appearance, but I remembered the power that had come from him when he'd brought Jyri's soul to the Underworld.

"Are you alright, Callie?" He smiled. His teeth were pure white, but I noticed he favored one side of his mouth when he grinned that way.

"Uh, yeah." I inspected my hand, but there was no blood. "No harm, no foul. Sorry for running into you."

"Not a problem." He said. "I imagine that was far worse for you than it was for me." He pointed to my head.

"What are you doing here?" I quizzed him. "You made it sound like you rarely visit, but then I see you twice in one day?"

He nudged me playfully with his arm. "I only come down here on business, Callie. I was looking for you, though. Your mother sent me."

"From where, the frat house?" I smirked, my eyes raking over his outfit.

"No, she's in St. Bart's right now, actually." He didn't realize I was being sarcastic.

"Oh." Did gods understand sarcasm?

"She wanted me to bring you this." He pulled a scroll from his pocket and handed it to me. "She also wanted me to check in, see how your first night here was."

"Wasn't really a full night, Hermes. But the short time that I was supposed to be sleeping was not go so great." I said absentmindedly, staring at the scroll in my hands. "Nightmares, you know. Well, maybe not." I shook my head, remembering that Hades said full-blooded gods didn't sleep.

"Sorry to hear that." He frowned. "Have you met Hades yet?"

"Yes. We were just discussing... his ex." I glanced over my shoulder, making sure he wasn't behind me. "Things got a little... intense."

"That bad?" he raised an eyebrow. "I'll chat with him. Go read your letter."

I didn't feel like explaining to him that the intensity had nothing to do with fighting, so I just nodded. With a gentle pat on the back, he left to go talk to Hades. I unfurled the parchment as I walked and began to read the worlds scribbled delicately in black ink.


Show this to no one. Once you have read this letter, destroy it by fire.

You are in danger. There are rumors in Olympus that someone intends to claim the throne of the Underworld for themselves. Spies are prowling all over, looking for any weaknesses that you or Hades may have.

So Hades was right. He believed that he was being watched, and this letter was evidence to support that. I glanced around me but I was still alone. I kept reading but moved faster toward the foyer.

There is more troubling news. I have been keeping an eye on your father (from a distance). I wanted to make sure that he was okay. With someone looking for your weaknesses, I knew he would be the first target. I was called back to Olympus for a few hours, and when I returned, your father was gone. I fear he has been taken.

Guard yourself. Don't trust anyone but your husband-to-be. Hades may be the only one who can save you now. I'm sorry.


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