To Be Continued...

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"You were amazing out there," you say laughing as you and Brendon walk back to the tour bus.

"Thanks, and I saw you doing your little dance on the side stage," he chuckles.

"Oh my God kill me now," you groan letting your head fall in your hands.

"It's okay. I actually enjoyed watching you dance," he says nudging you with his elbow.

"I dance like an old person," you nervously say laughing.

"Hey at least you dance better than Dallon," Brendon say wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Thanks... I think," you say pushing your glasses up.

"Hey, I've been wondering for the past month if you would want to go on a date with me," Brendon asks glancing up at you with those puppy dog eyes.

"Ummm yeah. I would love to, but we would have to sneak behind Dallon's back," you say.

You're trying to play it as cool as possible,  but on the inside you feel like a little kid on Christmas Morning.

"I'm sure he won't mind. We're best friends after all," Brendon says.

"But Bren-," you start to say, but Brendon pulls you in close and kisses you on the lips.

He wraps his arms around your waist, and you freak out because you've never kissed anyone before. You relax and your arms wrap around his neck, and your lips move in sync with his. His body's sweaty and sticky and hot. You two finally pull away from each other, and Brendon gives you a crooked smile. You let out a weird laugh and spin side to side. You wake up to the smell of pancakes. You groggily get out of your bunk, and see Brendon, Dallon, Kenneth, Dan, and Zack eating. Brendon has clothes on at last. He eats a gigantic bite of pancake and looks up at you. He gets this big goofy grin on his face and so do you.

"Hey," he says through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Hi," you say laughing as he quickly gets up and falls in the floor.

Everyone starts laughing,  and Brendon says, "Oh shut up you ass holes."

You suppress a giggle.

Brendon walks over to you and asks, "Is that my shirt?"

You quickly look down and realize that it's Brendon's Blink 182 shirt.

"Oh I'm sorry... I didn't even realize it. It was dark last night, so I just grabbed something. I'll go take it off if you want," you nervously stutter.

"It's okay, and I'm sorry we didn't wake you up for pancakes," he says.

"You mean there's no more pancakes," you pout looking up at him.

"These hogs ate them all," he says pointing at the guys.

"Hey, you had eight of them," Kenneth says.

"But we have a whole pie that's never been opened before," Brendon says.

"Pie," you slightly yell as you run over to the mini fridge and take it out.

Brendon laughs and says, "We already ate our pies."

You laugh and say, "I forgot I even had one."

He chuckles, and you two sit down at the table with the guys. You and Brendon nudge each other under the table and constantly poke. He nudges you foot, and you put yours ontop of his then he puts his ontop of your,  and the cycle just repeats.

My Smutty Band Imagines//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now