You're My Savior Mr. Stump

997 20 14

(A/N: Trigger warning.)

"Hey," Patrick says sitting down beside you and laying his tray on the table.

"Hey," you mumble while you mess with your sleeves.

"Aren't you going eat," he asks looking at you with a worried expression.

"No, I ate a really big breakfast," you say quickly fake smiling.

"That's what you say everyday," Patrick says sliding his tray closer to you.

"Take some of my food," he says smiling.

"I have to go," you say quickly getting up.

You walk through the lunchroom never taking your eyes off if the ground. You bump into someone. You quickly glance up and see one of the preps.

"Get out of my way... you bitch," she says loud enough for people to hear.

"Sorry," you mumble and quickly walk out of the crowded lunchroom.

You quickly walk outside to your own safe spot that you discovered at the beginning of high school.  Tears begin to roll down your face. You roll your sleeves up and look at the faded scars. You have to get rid of all this pain, but you promised yourself almost 6 months ago that would never cut yourself. The blades weigh your pocket down tempting you to pull them out. Your stomach growls, and a sharp pain shoots through your stomach. You quickly put your hands on it and wait for it to pass.

'When was the last time I ate,' you think to yourself.

"(Y/N), are you okay," Patrick asks walking up.

You quickly pull your sleeves down and wipe the tears from your face.

"I'm fine, Patrick," you say.

"You don't have to lie to me," he says sitting down beside you.

"I'm fine," you say again looking at him.

He lays his hand on your leg and quietly says, "You're not. Do you want to ditch school and go watch old Disney movies at my house?"

He smiles slightly.

You sigh, "Fine. I can't say no to you when you do that smile."

He grabs your bag, and you two sneak out of school. Patrick lays your bag in the back seat, and you sit in the passenger's seat. Patrick hops in the driver's seat.

                             Twenty Minutes Later

"My parents are working late tonight then they're having a date night thing, so we can watch all the movies we want," Patrick says smiling.

You nod.

"The movies are over there," Patrick says pointing to tv.

You walk over to the collection of movies and get The Lion King, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Frozen, and  Beauty and the Beast. He walks back in the room with popcorn and drinks.

"What did you pick," he asks sitting the food on the coffee table.

"The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Nightmare before Christmas, and Frozen. Which one do you want to watch first," you say getting the blankets from the cabinet.

"I love The Lion King," Patrick says picking the DVD up.

"That's my favorite, " you say sitting down on the couch.  He puts it in and sits down beside of you. He grabs the bowl of popcorn and offers you some.

"No thanks," you say messing wih the blanket.

"You have to eat," Patrick says.

"I have.... I ate breakfast, " you say glancing at him.

"Okay.... at least drink something," he says handing you a drink.

You take it and take a sip of it. During the movie, you two sing along to all of the songs. Patrick even starts doing little dance motions.  By the end of the movie, you two are laughing so hard that you're crying.

"Were you having seizures or something," you ask Patrick.

"Excuse you, I was dancing to the songs," Patrick laughs pointing his finger at you.

"Okayyyyy Patty Cakes," you laugh.

"Stop saying that. You know that I hate that nickname, " Patrick says.

"What will you do if I keep saying it, Patty Cakes," you ask smiling.

He puts his hand around your arm and pulls you closer to him.

You smirk as he whispers,"This."

He leans in closer and kisses you on the lips. You kiss him back, and he wraps his arm around you. You sit down in his lap, and he starts kissing you more aggressively. He slips his hand under your shirt. You fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. In the heat of the moment, he slips your shirt off of you. You smile at him and start to undo his shirt. When suddenly he stops smiling.

"What's on your wrists, " Patrick asks.

Before you can move them, he gently grabs them. He runs his thumb along your wrists.

"Why would you do this," Patrick gasps.

Tears swell up in your eyes and you say, "I don't do it anymore Patrick."

"Why did you use to do this," Patrick quietly asks.

"I don't know," you mumble.

"You have to have a reason to cut yourself," he says getting slightly louder.

"I don't know... people were and still are calling me fat, ugly, freak, that I should kill myself...which I almost did a couple of times, my dad always comes home drunk and hits on me and my mom... I just needed a escape," you say wiping the tears from your eyes.

"That's why you're not eating," Patrick mumbles.

He takes his eyes off of your wrists to notice the faded bruises on your body.

He looks you in your eyes and whispers, "Who cares what those son of a bitches say. Most of them are a bunch of ass heads anyway who are trying to make themselves feel powerful. The only thing that should matter is what you think about yourself. You're beautiful, skinny, smart, talented,  and a whole lot more things. Don't let anyone else tell you different. I couldn't even begin to imagine what the world would be without you. I love you."

You smile a little and he kisses you.

"Promise me that you'll start treating yourself better," Patrick whispers wiping the tears away from your face.

"Fine, but I might need you to help me," you whisper.

"I was going to help you even if you didn't ask for it," Patrick says smiling.

You remember the blades in your pocket and pull them out. You hold them in your hands and look at Patrick.

"Why do you still have these," he asks with a puzzled look on his face.

"I don't know... I just have to have them with me," you whisper.

He takes them and says, "Had to have them. I'll go get rid of them."

You get up and put on your shirt while he walks down the hallway. Seconds later you hear a flush.

Patrick comes walking out and asks, "How about some fresh popcorn and another movie?"

You smile and nod. He walks into the kitchen while you put in another movie.

My Smutty Band Imagines//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now