What a Catch, Patrick

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You wake up to a boy slightly older than you with side burns. He has a grayish blue hat, a striped shirt with a dark blue jacket, and glasses on. He has blonde hair and worried green eyes. You can't notice how adorable he looks.

"Hey are you okay," he asks.

You sit up and realize that you're completely soaked.

"Um yeah," you say suddenly remembering the previous events.

"Do you mind me asking what happened to you," he asks.

"I remember the boat that I was on started to sink. Me and my friends tried to get out in time, but I guess that I was too late. I remember going under the water, and that's the last thing I remember," you say.

"What friends? You're the only person I saw," he asks.

"Brendon, Spencer, Pete, Andy, Joe, and the rest of the guys. I think they got to the life boat in enough time," you say.

"I'll be on the look out for them then," he says.

"What's your name," you shly ask him.

"Oh ummm it's Pa-Patrick S-Stump," he stutters blushing.

"Well thanks for rescuing me Mr. Stump," you say smiling.

He smiles and says, "You can call me Patrick.

You laugh and say, "I figured that... I was just messing with you Stumpy."

He laughs and says, "Oh, I knew that."

"Well, my name's (Y/N)," you say.

He helps you up and says, "Nice to meet ya."

"Nice to meet you too, Patrick. So are you on this boat by yourself," you say looking around.

"Yeah," he says sticking his hands in his pockets.

A seagull flies up and sits on Patrick's shoulder. He smiles and he hands it a piece of bread.

You laugh and ask, "So you have a pet bird?"

"Not really. I just found him wounded laying on the pile of ropes. I've been taking care of him for about a week now," he says scratching the seagull's head with his pointer finger.

You smile.

'This has to be the cutest thing ever,' you think to yourself.

"Do you want to go get in dry clothes or something," Patrick nervously asks.

"Yeah, but I don't have any more clothes," you say.

"You could borrow my clothes" he says.

"Okay," you say as you follow him downstairs.

He leads you into a room that has a porthole, a small bed, and a messy desk. He grabs a tshirt and sweatpants out of a bag and hands them to you.

"The bathroom's the next room over," you nod and shut the bathroom door.

You change into the clothes which are too big, so you use the drawstring on the pants. You walk out of the bathroom,  and you find Patrick playing a piano.

He's singing, "I got trouble thoughts and the self esteem to match. What a catch, what a catch-."

You knock on the door, and he quickly turns around.

"Whatcha singing, Stumpy," you asks smiling.

"Just a song I wrote," he says clearly embarrassed.

"Well, you can sing amazing," you say.

"Thanks," he says looking down at the ground.

"What's the song about," you ask.

He looks down at the floor and says, "It's about this guy who's self conscious about himself,  and he has a low self esteem."

"You wrote it about you. Didn't you," you say.

"Yes," he mumbles.

"Well, you shouldn't think that about your self. I know I just met you, but you have an amazing voice, you're sweet, and you're handsome too," you say smiling.

  He smiles and blushes. He looks up at you and stutters, "T-Thanks. You're u-umm b-beautiful too."

You blush and say, "Thanks."

That's when you both hear a loud bang. You both look at each other, and Patrick quickly leads you up on deck. You hear familiar voices yelling for help. You run to the edge of the boat to see the life boats from the ship. Pete, Brendon,  and the rest of your friends are in them. You and Patrick quickly throw down ropes and help them up.

Once everyone's up, Brendon says, "We thought you were dead."

"No, I guess I washed up here, and Stumpy over here found me," I say smiling at Patrick.

"Is your name actually Stumpy or is it just a nickname she gave you," Brendon asks laughing.

"It's my nickname she gave me. My actual name is Patrick, " he says.

"Well, thanks for saving her Patrick," Brendon says.

"You're welcome," Patrick shyly says.

The guys have put on music. Patrick and you awkwardly stands to the side while everyone dances.

Patrick says, "So um.. um -."

You quickly decide to lean in and kiss him. He starts kissing you back,  and he wraps his arms around your waist. You hear Pete and the guys making noises and laughing at you and Patrick.

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