Chapter eleven

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It was quite lovely in the music club. Everybody is practicing really hard you can see everybody participating in the practice. The sound of music vibrate through the club. Some students who is walking in the hallway stop for a bit in front of the club as the heard the beautiful sound coming from the door.

" nee the music club, really are serious in this preparation..", a freshman student said as he look at his companion.

" well i heard that they are the one performing in the night of the school celebration day, so it is understandable.", his companion answer.

" oh? Well i wish them luck then, i hope it goes well."

The two then chatted as they walk away from that certain club.

" yoshh!!! I think its time to pack up and leave. We should not practice too hard. We are almost in the finishing line so i think were okay. We can continue this tomorrow and i think we can be able to finish it by then. We still have this week to practice so i think that we can be able to perfect it without trouble on that day. We'll take our time.." the president of the club seigachi iinchou announce. The others also nodded as well as shizuka who is sitting tiredly infront of the piano also agreed. Well they are practicing hard almost everyday so the members of the club might take it easy from then on.

" NOW LEAVE THIS ROOM!!!, AND WHOEVER I SEE COMES BACK TO PRACTICE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION WILL BE 'KISS' BY MY PRECIOUS FAN!!!", the members suddenly scrambled as they heard their scary iinchou suddenly shout out of nowhere while summoning his precious fan. There is only one thought that comes in their mind..
' seigachi iinchou no need to scared us, just say it and we will follow your instructions. Please dont bring out your precious fan!!!!!', they all thought. Well, who knows how destructive and how painful her precious fan can give them, they dont want to test it out. Just by looking at the large fan emiting large scale of black aura that resemble their president herself, they dont really wanna think about it and just hurriedly pack their things and leave the room before they were to test being 'kiss', which in other term getting smack, by their iinchou's precious fan.

" you dont need to scare them seigachii iinchou..", haigachi reminded her nervously as he saw how their club members specially the freshmans scramble to the door.

" tsk, if i dont scare them, they might again come back as if they didnt receive my warning last time and practice. We dont want them to be practicing hard and neglect their health. Besides we were almost done with our song so we should take it easy..", seigachi countered while she glare at haigachi. Haigachi just laugh nervously while thinking. ' i dont think you understand what i mean!! You are making us second years like you!!!!!!!' ,but ofcourse he will nkt gonna tell that. He doesnt want to be smack again by that terrifying fan after all.

Shizuka who is done fixing her things and about to walk out the door suddenly stop as she heard her name being called.

" Shizu Chann!!!!!!", she turn around to look at her senpai's
" hai?", the once scary senpai suddenly become a kick up puppy as she run towards her and hold her hand.
" e-ehh?", is the only thing that comes to shizuka's mouth as she was startled. "s-senpai?"

"nee shizu chan, how is your solo practice?", her president ask as she still looking at her cheerfully. Shizuka then answer her iinchou truthfully. Seigachi just stay there in her position still holding her precious kouhai's hand while happily smiling. The other 2nd year members who still didnt leave just quietly watch the scene while thinking differently.
' sigh, iinchou please be fare in the treatment!!!' They sigh how can a person change her personality in a split second just because she is talking to her favorite kouhai, its unfair!!!!! They watch her talking to shizuka. Long orange hair like silk falls gracefully into her butt, orange doe eyes with long eyelashes blinking with happiness as she talk to their president. She has a well shape eyebrows, a small button nose that also goes to her small cherry red like lips and also compliment her over all small pointed face. The members also notice how well and proper she was, how she just stand there with elegance while listening to her senpai's talk to her. How she thought of buying a drink for the club just because she saw how tired and thirsty they are, considering she was tired also because of the practice. How she play her instrument quite splendid. How she blush cutely hearing her club members compliment and how she make the boys face redden just by making a shy attempt of talking to them.

The Observer (knb) (Under Heavy Edition)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin