Chapter Eight

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'Hmmnnn, what should i cook for todays lunch and dinner..'I thought

I am here in the grocery store thinking what should i cook shortly, I put my finger below my chin to think more..

Hmmn, how about i make a meat stew for today, since i can also pre heat it for dinner tonight....

yeah i should do that...

I thought smiling happily...

I went to the vegetable area and pick the ingredients as well as took some vegetables for future cooking..
I went also to the frozen foods area and pick some meat as well as some eggs since i remeber that my eggs there is almost depleted.

I went to pick also some necessities that i know is very useful from future purposes. Also some spices and others that im going to use in cooking..

I look at my trolley........

"Hmmn, i think these are enough..", i mumble...

  I slowly pull my trolley to where the cashier is to check my goods and give my payments.....

As i was supposed to go, my eyes went to the section of chocolate in the far end of this grocery store...


Mind you guys, i really like eatings chocolates. I am not obsess with it that you can see me eating it everyday,  but i always keep on having one in my bag when im going out...
It keep me calm sometimes, so i always bring some with me when im outside.

I pull my trolley to the section of chocolate...

Waaaahhhh chocolatesss...

I know that my eyes are now twinkling as soon as i saw the rows of chocolates...

I slowly walk while thinking what chocolate i should get...

"There is so many good ones, i cant pick..", i grumble....

Then my eyes pick a certain chocolate cookies at the top..

My favorite!!!!

I tiptoed to reach that certain chocolate but unfortunately my height doesnt cooperate with me.....
I tiptoed again while raising my finger to reach that chocolate.....

Come one, i dont believe i cant be able to get youuuu!!!!!!

I tried again and againn....

Why dou you have to be put in there..!!!!

I look at that certain chocolate grudgingly. I stare at it like wanting that piece of chocolate to fall from the ground and for me to pick it up...

Yeah, i should wait for it to fall from there. Oh Come on!!? , i got reicarnated here in koruko basketball, i believe miracles can also happen when i stare at it......

After a minutes of staring at it.. I give up..
Im such an idiot....

Suddenly i feel a shadow roam over me and i look up, a large hand reach at that certain chocolate that  i was trying so hard to get...

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