Bullet Through My Heart! 1/2 {6}

Start from the beginning

Kirishima's hands shook. He didn't expect to be alone so soon.
"Yes sir." He said.

It was too dark outside. It made everything look so ominous and dare he say, scary. Kirishima's shoulders slumped. He could be being escorted to his final resting place right now and he wouldn't even know it. The thought sent chills down his spine.

Awiza clasped his hand on his shoulder "hey, stop frowning. Just go."

Kirishima shrugged and took a very hesitant step out of the vehicle.

"Come and visit us sometime, will you?"

Kirishima looked down at him and genuinely smiled. "Yeah!" 


When Kirishima boarded the plane there was only the pilot there. The woman smiled at him but didn't say good morning. She pointed to a cabinet. He looked into and saw there were all times of breakfast drinks and snacks.

"Help yourself," she said. 

"Thank you." He only took an apple and sat down. 

Kirishima didn't know when he ended up falling asleep. But within a solid six hours *if his watch was correct enough to go by*  he was there.

He knew where he was. The imperial palace. Where the emperor lived. 

It was like, just being in the presence of such an important building struck a nerve in him. Like he just boarded a private plane to meet the actual emperor. Like. Right now.

Holy fuck.

His legs felt like noodles but they took him his destination. At the front two large men held the door for him. He thanked them and walked inside.

This inside was the most traditional Japanese place he's seen in his life. He took his shoes off at the front door and just waited. He really didn't want to do anything wrong.

Soon after he finished, the two men walked past him, he followed sheepishly. 

They entered a room that was dimly lit by candles. Kirishima toyed with his hands uncomfortably.

"You can sit." He heard from somewhere in the dark. The guards left the room.

Kirishima sat down as respectfully as he could on the pad on the ground. He had his arms resting on his knees.

"Eijirou Kirishima is that correct?" The voice said.

A small part of Kirishima wanted to say no and leave this entire country behind him.

He cleared his throat. "Y-yes. That's me." His voice quivered.

"I've heard very good things about you."

Kirishima gulped. He didn't respond.

"Eijirou, I have an offer for you."

Ejirous back straightened "Yes?"

"Here in Japan… there are some evil people." He paused. "Some really really evil people"

He just hummed in agreeance. 

"Because of this, we have heroes. Or assassins. That is what you may hear them by."

Kirishima began to sweat. His fingers began to tingle and his breath felt shallow. His toes curled restlessly inside his socks. "Yeah?" 

"Eijirou. What I've heard about you and you're battle tactics… I'm intrigued. I'm sure you don't want to be here long. So ill keep it short."

Ejirou could feel his entire body shaking.

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