Dandies and the Hunters

Start from the beginning

"Pete," you ask before passing out.

When you wake up, your laying on a couch with no memory of how you got here. Your neck feels like you've been poked with a million needles. You sit up to see a man with blonde hair, green eyes, and glasses writing in a journal in front of you. When he sees you, he scratches his head, and he looks at his three friends standing in the corner. The man facing the wall is wearing a red hoodie, but you can see he was jet black hair. The man standing on his right has a mini brown fro, and the man on his left is shirtless and covered in tattoos.

"Is someone going to tell me how the hell I got here and who you are," you ask looking at them.

"So you don't remember anything from last night," the man with the notebook asks.

"Why would I ask that question if I remembered what happened last night," you ask.

"You have an attitude more than ever," the man in the red hoodie says.

"And how would you know that," you ask crossing your arms.

He turns around, and your mouth drops.

"Oh my God, Pete? No way, that's impossible, " you say staring at him.

"Yes, Pete, and how is it impossible," he says walking towards you.

"Duh, because when you went missing a year and a half ago, the police found your blood all over the alley downtown. They said one minute you were laying there dead, and when they turned around you were gone," you say looking him up and down.

"The police went back to their car, and these guys... Patrick, Andy, and Joe got me out of there. They doctors me up, and here I am," Pete says glancing at the man with the notebook.

"Then why didn't you ever come back? You just left your family, all of your friends,  your life, and me," you ask with tears in your eyes.

"I did but I didn't want to come back. I used to stand outside your window and watch you sleep," he says coming closer.

"Wait how do you two know each other," the fro man asks.

Pete looks at you then to him and says, "We were dating when I went missing," Pete says.

"Oh um wow," is all the man with the notebook says.

"I'm going home," you say standing up.

You walk towards the door, and Pete steps in your way. "You can't go home," he says.

"You don't boss me," you say.

"Listen, you and your parents were attacked last night by two Dandies... a type of vampire... their  names are Brendon and William," Pete says.

"Stop joking. I don't remember that," you say getting slightly nervous.

"That's because they used their powers to control your thoughts and actions. Look on your neck if you don't believe me," he says biting his bottom lip.

"Here's a mirror," the man with the tattoos says.

You take the mirror and look in it. On your neck, there's two recent puncture wounds.

Your heart starts beating a million times faster, and you say, "Where's my parents?"

Pete looks down at the ground and mumbles, "Dead. Brendon and William killed them."

You start crying, and Pete wraps his arms around you. "It'll be okay. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere, " Pete whispers rubbing your back.

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