Heat Extended (Calum Hood Smut)

Start from the beginning

(Y/N's POV)
"What's the full title of your specialty again?" Sierra asks as we take a seat on the table.
"Neonatal neurosurgery..." Calum chimes in, smiling proudly before I could even open my mouth.
"I always forget the neonatal part. It sounds so..." She begins and Ashton chimes in.
"Badass? Awesome? Kick-ass? Pick one..." Ashton cheers, making Sierra scoff playfully.
"Guys, I am blushing, stop it." I giggle.
"Tell them about the baby with the lemon-sized tumor..." Kaitlin encourages, making everyone turn to look at her.
"What? We hang out a lot while you were gone..." She states, shrugging her shoulders.
"I will save you the gore and tell you it was the tiniest brain I had ever operated on. And the tiniest tools. But the baby is recovering just fine now." I state, trying not to make a sound as the beads inside me hit my spot just right.
"You hang out while we were gone?" Ashton asks, looking between me and Kay with furrowed eyebrows.
"All of us did. We drunk cocktails and bitched about you 4 being gone for far too long. We even had sleepovers..." Sierra replies, making me chuckle as I remember how much fun it was to be in the company of people whose lives don't involve daily tragedy.
"We were gone for 2 weeks... What exactly were you bitching about?" Luke asks.
"About the timezones, the loneliness, the lack of communication... And other stuff you really don't want to hear right now. But it was glorious. I loved every second." I say, raising my glass at the ladies.
"We should definitely kick them out and have a ladies' night next week." Sierra says with a giggle, clinging her glass against mine.
"Definitely." Crystal replies.
"Hey, we just got back..." Michael protests, making the others agree.
"Weren't you the one telling me last night how much you missed me while I was gone?" Calum asks me, nudging me softly.
"Well, I missed you exactly because you were gone." I reply, reaching to cup his jaw before leaning in to kiss him.

"You look far more gorgeous than any woman I've ever met." Calum comments as I sit on his lap. He is sitting on the little step in the side of the pool, drinking his beer as he is soaking in some sun.
"All two of me?" I ask with a giggle, making him hums sarcastically.
"Look who's talking... You are nearly crap-faced drunk off of two glasses of wine..." He comments, resting his hand on my hip.
"I used to be able to drink for hours... I am really not who I used to be anymore." I pout and he coos at me.
"I still like you even if you can't hold your liquor. But you are really pretty, all relaxed and chill. It makes me love you even more, and you really can't comprehend how much I love you in general." He comments, leaning in to plant a kiss on my chest.
"Oh, you are drunk-drunk..." I giggle, tilting his head back so I can look at him. He is just a tiny bit hazy, eyes glazed and cheeks tinted red.
"I am drunk, and you are gorgeous and I love you to the moon and back. And tomorrow morning, I will be sober and you will still be gorgeous and I will still love you more than life itself. Don't ever doubt that." He slurs a little, which only makes me feel warmer.
"I love you, babyboy..." I reply, smiling at him before I reach down to kiss his lips softly.
"We are going to have a hell of a hangover in the morning." He comments, strumming his hand down my back.
"You are lucky you have someone that knows all about pain management and can help you through your symptoms." I cheer, peppering his face with kisses.
"I really wanna go watch your video... It has been on my mind since you told me." He moans as he strokes my ass. I steal the beer bottle from his hand, bringing it to my lips and taking a swig.
"You should really watch it. It is my best work yet..." I reply, making him groan in frustration.
"I will kick them all out... Just give me a second." He says and I laugh at him, wrapping my hand around his wrist.
"Sit your ass down. You can wait until we are alone. Or you can just go to the bathroom and have a look..." I suggest and he hums.
"If I go watch it, I will need you nearby. There is no way I will be able to help myself after it..." He states, licking his lips.
"You know, the beads have been making me feel weird for a bit now." I whisper in his ear, causing him to grip on my ass a little harsher.
"Weird, huh?" He cocks an eyebrow, giving me the eyes.
"Yeah... So much pressure against my spot... You know which one I am talking about, right? The one that every time you hit it, my lower back arches and my breath hitches." I tease him, watching him roll his eyes and throw his head back.
"You two... Hey, get a fucking room." Michael scolds us as he floats by on a floating swan.
"Fuck out of here and we will." Calum replies, making me giggle as I move from his lap.
"I am going to get myself some more wine. Just a little bit more." I announce, pushing myself out of the pool.

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