Chapter 7

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So, the most surprising thing happened that left us distraught. Or surprised? How should I know? It was just weird.

The introduction was finished with something incredibly unexpected.


Karasuma seemed to be in thought for a second. He muttered something along the lines of 'Should they join?'. He nodded.

He then stated, "Everyone in this classroom is going to attempt to assassinate 'Korosensei'."

Every premature hero froze.


We're going to kill someone?

That was not the only question in my head.

Far from it actually.

I had a million. A million questions in my head.

Which is why I'm here right now, looking for at least one assassin to help answer these questions.

I wandered the halls, looking for someone. Then I saw a girl with creamy brown hair donning a ponytail leaning against a wall. I approached her, gaining her attention when I was several feet away.

When I was right next to her, she spoke, "Izuku Midoriya, right? You're one of the heroes." I replied, "Yeah, that's me." She added, "I'm Meg Kataoka. What do you need?"
"I've got some questions for you."
"Ask away."
"Well, why do we need to assassinate Korosensei?"
"He is supposedly going to explode and destroy the entire world by the end of the school year."
"What makes you say that?"
"The moon is actually perfect proof of that. The moon was blown apart so now it's a permanent crescent."

Now I had my notebook out.

"Are there any special properties to him?"
"Well, yes, you can't kill him with a normal gun or knife. It'll just melt inside him. He's extremely quick but I bet you already know that. Ask Nagisa for more details."

Okay now it just turned into small talk.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to get along with everyone?"
"If I were to take a guess, your best bet would be Nagisa. Yeah, you two will be good friends."
"What about Karma?"
"He's one hell of a sadist. After finishing them off, he likes to play with his prey. He and Nagisa are friends apparently. Don't see it though."
"Huh... should I be scared?"
"I have to say 'eh' for Karma, but if you or someone else ticks off Nagisa, maybe you should. But we aren't really people to fear."
"That's nice to know. I guess we'll see each other later."
"Okay. Bye!"

I left the scene. I feel a little more secure.

A little.

I am still unnerved.
This tastes like a filler.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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