Chapter 3

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I was holding my breath, trying to be as quiet as possible. Judging by the shiver that Nagisa had, I suppose the hero that he encountered was that All Might guy?

God these heroes are annoying.

I encountered the hero 'Eraserhead'. I was thinking about what his quirk was. I could tell he was using it with no avail. He was whipping his scarf (?) around. And I was running out of breath trying to dodge all of that shit.

Two factors could've stopped that hell:

1.) If I kept my mouth shut around the black haired man then hell would've broken loose.
2.) If Professor Bitch didn't try to seduce the guy then I would've gotten out of there faster.

Hopefully Red Eyes and Broccoli Boy let us go on a whim. Nagisa looks like he felt the same thing.

On an unrelated topic, am I the only one who believes that, under the right lighting, Nagisa's eyes seem to eerily glow in the dark?

Like now. Under the moonlight. Glowing a lime-ish azure.

We were about to get a chance to watch the duo's power unfold, with near miss. That pound was frightening and well, I was close to getting crushed.

As for Red Eyes and Nagisa, the sparks and embers added to his eyes. He seemed to be dangerous, despite the dirty blonde's absurdly wild actions. Then... clap. The blonde was on his knees.

Would this be an even fight now?

The green haired teen is incredibly strong. And we don't have quirks (I'm guessing this guy's quirk does involve super strength or something like that).

Nagisa simply stated, "Itona, I don't want to keep fighting. It's making us look like the villains of the story and my guess is that that's the reason why we're being hunted down. They don't understand the circumstances we're in." Hearing this, I responded, "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?"
"Talking it out."
"Last time you tried to talk yourself out of a battle, you nearly got killed."
"That was Takaoka, and he was crazy. Insane better said."
"And you lost it because the antidote blew up right in front of you. If Terasaka wasn't there then you would've landed Takaoka in the hospital, or worse, killed him."
"I'd rather not be reminded of that thank you."

Then Nagisa turned to look at the green-eyed teen, "Hey umm... Deku was it? Are you alright? You're shaking like a leaf." He immediately replied, "What did you do to Kacchan?" Nagisa responded, "Oh him? I only immobilized him. He should be up and ready to fight in a couple of minutes, give or take around 5. I just didn't want to die."
"You.. didn't hurt him?"
"Usually my clap stunners don't hurt."
"So, I can trust that you won't hurt me?"
"Pretty much. I'm around people I know so I'm a little calmer."
"Well umm... if we're going to be allies and not enemies, then we have to know each other, right?"
"Yeah, I guess that's the right approach."

And like that, introductions began.

"I'll start. I'm Midoriya Izuku. But you can call me Deku if you want." Deku said. Nagisa followed, "Shiota Nagisa. But please call me Nagisa." I felt like I should go at that point, so I just said, "Itona Horibe." Short and sweet. This was followed by two voices, one forcing Nagisa to take out his phone with a smile, "I'm Ritsu!" As for the other, Nagisa was actually happy he was there. He was close to him after all.

"Akabane Karma. Call me Karma. Jeez, it took forever to find you guys. Anyways, who's the new kid?"

Karma had an arm draped on the dirty blonde's shoulder much to his displeasure. Midoriya said, "That's Bakugo Katsuki, or Kacchan as I like to call him."

Karma smiled, "I bet we're going to be great friends, Bakugo."

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