Chapter 2

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After about give or take 15 minutes of running, Karasuma-sensei ordered me to turn right into an alleyway that is crazy dark. Ideal for an assassin.

Apparently, this was a rendezvous point.

Several minutes later, I met myself with Professor Bitch and Itona. The blonde assassin said, "You said that once we found a student we had to meet here. So I did that. I found Itona. I guess you found Nagisa." Then Mr.Karasuma said, "Just in time as well. Nagisa was having trouble keeping his composure because he knew no one and was in a state of panic."

Itona walked up to me and asked, "So you encountered a 'hero', too?" I nodded before Karasuma-sensei continued, "I heard an important detail that I believe will come to use in keeping a low profile. Apparently 80% of this world has a 'quirk', in other words, an ability that one has. The other 20% is 'quirkless'. We each have our own unique abilities, right? For now, those abilities will be considered our 'quirks'. Which means that Itona's quirk will involve his mechanical experience, Nagisa's will mainly revolve around his clap stunners, Irina's will revolve around her 'kiss of death' as you all call it, and mine will revolve around adaptability. Do you understand?" The three of us nodded before we heard footsteps.

All four of us entered the shadows when we spotted a boy with dirty blonde hair and rose red eyes quickly entered the alley. There was another boy who entered afterward. He had messy green hair and green eyes.

Upon trying to analyze their brain waves, I could tell: the dirty blonde had to be the first to be immobilized. He needed to be tied to the ground. To the point where he can't move. That is, if we get caught. But why do I get the feeling that messing with the blonde will trigger emerald eyes?

That's when a conversation among the duo, starting with emerald eyes:

"Kacchan! Come back! Who knows who's in there at this time of night?"
"Deku, who cares? I don't."
"But I don't want you to get hurt!"
"Like I said, I don't care! Let them try. I'll blow them up!"

Emerald eyes just sighed and said, "If things get ugly, then I'll butt in. All Might did say he was looking for someone."

Emerald eyes has All Might as an idol?

Just as I thought. I am in a world of pain.

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