"Dre is not going to let you help him", Jay said.

"He won't know because you'll be helping me learn how to shoot and stay out the way", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah. I can't do that", Jay said. "Because if you get hurt or worst that's going to be on me"

"If I do, it's not like the world is going to miss me anyways. I've done nothing but cause trouble", she said.

"No you haven't and the world will miss your light ass", he said.

Aaliyah shook her head. "We're going back. Tonight", Aaliyah said. "And you're going to help me"

"Fine", Jay said.

Aaliyah, Jay and Carmen all got a plane back to Georgia. They didn't get there until the next day. When they got back, they all got some rest so that way they could wake up early in the morning and teach Aaliyah all the stuff she needed to know about shooting and how to stay out of sight.

"I really think I have the hang of this stuff", Aaliyah said.

"Because of the gun you're using. As long as you look through that viewfinder?", Jay said.

"So Jay. You can find out what Dre's doing tonight without him getting suspicious", Aaliyah asked.

"Aaliyah you just learned a little something. It ain't no need to go out there so quick", Jay said.

"Okay. Maybe you're right", Aaliyah said before she looked at Carmen.

Carmen looked at her.

Aaliyah smiled a slightly as her then looked at Jay. "Yea you're right little brother", Aaliyah said. "You wanna have another session tomorrow morning? Same time?"

"Yea", Jay said.

"Okay. Carmen and I got some stuff to do so we'll catch you later", Aaliyah said.

Carmen made a face but once Jay looked at her she smiled and nodded.

Jay looked back at Aaliyah. "Okay. Bye y'all. Y'all stay safe", he said.

"Okay", they both said at the same time.

Jay walked away.

"Care to cue me in?", Carmen asked.

"You're going to go talk to Dre and see where he's going tonight or where he thinks these people are", Aaliyah said.

"No Aaliyah I'm not doing that. You don't need to go out there, especially not now", Carmen said. "I just met dad and I just met you not to love before him. I'm not trying to loose both of you. One is enough"

Aaliyah was quiet.

"I can't do that", Carmen said. "I'm sorry. I have done enough alright"

Aaliyah nods. "That's fair enough", Aaliyah said. "Just take me to get a rental car"

"Why? Me and you can just share my rental", Carmen said.

"Nah. I wanna get my hair done and I don't wanna hold you up", Aaliyah said.

"...okay whatever", Carmen said.

"Thank you", Aaliyah said.

Her and Carmen walked to Carmen's rental car and drove off.


Later that night, Aaliyah pulled up on same street as Dre's trap house. She parked from a distant across the street. She didn't get her hair done this afternoon only to blend in. She got her hair done the same way as Carmen and put her sunglasses on. She looked to see if she saw Dre's car anywhere but she didn't. People were inside the house though because lights were on.

Aaliyah put her hood on and got out the car walked across the street, looking around. Suddenly, a car drives past her and pulled into Dre's Trap house driveway. Aaliyah stops and looks to see who was getting out. It was Dre and some other guy. Dre looked her way and Aaliyah pretended like she was walking to the porch of the house next door so Dre looked away and continued walking into the house.

Aaliyah turned around and walked back to the car and sat there until Dre came back outside.

Once Dre came back outside, him and the other guy got into the car and drove off so Aaliyah followed them trying to keep her distance.

After 30 minutes of driving they pulled up to a gas station. Aaliyah pulled into the store parking lot across the street.

As Dre parked at one of the gas pumps. He began to talk to the guy he was with.

"Somebody following us", Dre said.

"Nobody is following us. I been looking this whole time", the guy said.

"Fredo, somebody is following us. I don't this so many times to know", Dre said.

"So why you stop?", Fredo asked.

"To be sure", Dre said as put the car in drive and sped off.

Aaliyah quickly put the car in drive but before she got on the road, she didn't see his car anywhere.

"Shit", Aaliyah said to herself as she kept driving.


Dre and Fredo got to their destination and got out the car.

"You get on top of building", Dre said. "I'll be over here on the ground"

"You sure we don't need more people?", Fredo asked.

"The more the people, the likely we'll get caught", Dre said.

"True", Fredo said. "But iight".

Fredo walked away and Dre got into position as they waited for the guys they were after to should up.

And hour later the guys finally showed up.

"Get ready", Dre said to fredo though his communications device.

"On it", Fredo replied as he got his gun ready.

Dre stood there as he waited for them to get out the car. As he did that somebody came around the corner and aimed the gun at Dre. As soon as Dre heard the guy cock his gun back somebody shot him.

Dre turned around. "Oh shit. Damn fredo you on it tonight", Dre said out of relief.

"I didn't do that", Fredo replied back.

Dre made a face but before he could look around other guys came around the corner and began shooting.

Dre took cover as he shot back. Fredo the rest of the guys that were outside as the car drove off.

"That's all of them and the other people got away but bruh somebody else out here", Fredo said.

"It's only one nigga I know who shoot like that", Dre replied as he thought about Jay.

"Jay ass", Fredo said.

"Exactly. Get from off the roof, let's go", Dre said.

"Iight, boss", Fredo said.

When fredo came down, they both walked to the car and got in.


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