chapter 22

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Jimin pov :

I saw him coming towards me while all girls were drolling over him and he was giving them flying kisses ." Hey, Jimin " He said as he approached me.

" Hey ...You should stop playing with girl's heart Jungkook " I said turning around walking towards the hall. 

"ahh...Jimin can't you greet me with something better " he said walking beside me while placing his hands over my shoulder and I just scoffed. 

End of pov

Jungkook became a player and started playing with their heart just to satisfy himself and forget about Y/n 

But it never helped everything the girls did remind him of y/n and he used to end up breaking up with each one of them. 

He needed y/n but she wasn't there with him so just to forget the pain he used to play with their heart.

But it never helped and he used to feel sorry for the girls but was never able to stop himself. He knew dating others while still having feelings for y/n was wrong but there was nothing in his control. 

With y/n ~

Y/n finally wasn't able to control herself. Not knowing how Jungkook is right now used to always eat her brain. 

One day which is today she finally got the courage to ask Taehyung about how Jungkook was.

 --On text --

Y/n - uh..Taehyung,I have a question

Taehyung - what is it?

Y/n - How is jungkook doing?

Taehyung - hmm..why so suddenly?

Y/n - I wanted to know about it since I left ..but I never had the
courage to ask u all about it ..

Taehyung - Pari has told me not to tell this to u y/n ...I can't betrayal her 

Y/n - I can understand u taehyung but plz just tell me his condition ...

Taehyung - .....

Y/n plz Taehyung I beg u Plz 

Taehyung - Fine 

jungkook ...he has become a player 

he plays with hearts now ...

Y/n - I am so sorry ...It's all because of me ...

Taehyung - don't be like this y/n...It's not ur fault.

Y/n - It is ... He became a player because of me.

Taehyung tell him...I am dating someone maybe it will 
cause him to stop playing with others heart ..

Taehyung - but this will cause him to hate u ..

Y/n - all I want is him to be happy plz Taehyung this last favor ..
please ..i beg u ..

Taehyung - fine ...

seen 9:32 pm 


Y/n kept her phone down and started crying and blaming herself for everything ... She cried herself to sleep as always.

With Jungkook next day ~

Jungkook woke up late as it was weekends. He did his morning and went down to eat his breakfast.

As he was about to enter the kitchen he found his phone ringing. He took it out and checked it. There was a message from Taehyung.

He had texted him to come to his house as he wanted to tell him something. Jungkook replied with a-okay and left the house. 

Mins later ~

Jungkook knocked on Taehyung's door as a few secs later Taehyung opened it for him and let him in. The sat on the sofa across each other.

" what is it Hyung " Jungkook asked him impatiently while shaking his leg cuz he knew something was up as Taehyung's face was very serious.

" Jungkook ...I wanted to say the thing is ..This will hurt u for sure. But u should know it and move on okay..Jungkook it's good for u to forget her and move on ...By moving on I mean not playing with others girls and focusing on ur goal" Taehyung said that all in the speed of light but Jungkook got it all as Taehyung always talks like that .

" What do u actually want to say Hyung ?" Jungkook asked frowning his eyebrows. Taehyung let out a deep breath and continued ... 

" y/n has moved on and now she is with someone ...You should forget about her too and think about yourself "Those words killed Jungkook from inside ..He never wanted to hear that ...but now he did ...He didn't knew how to react and say ...He was just too speechless too even move.

"look Jungkook I know it hurts , but  also know u are strong ...U have to stay strong and move on ..if y/n was able to move on why can't u .. U have to okay " Taehyung said trying younger who looked like he was in the verge of tears .

"U are right Hyung ...I can move on ...if she can do it so easily why can't I " Jungkook said trying to act strong but he knew he wasn't strong enough to forget her so easily ..

"Hyung I need to go " The younger said not wanting to show his weak side to his Hyung and left the pace with out any words from the older.


Jungkook went straightly went to his room locked himself up and started crying loud. His heart was in so much pain. He wasn't able to hold back his tears anymore . He can't believe that Y/n moved on so easily and thought did she even loved him ...

He started doubting Y/n's love for him . He stared blaming y/n for everything and ended falling asleep on the floor with teary and swollen eyes. 


god this is long !!
I hope u guys enjoyed it !!
sorry for the late update but lately i have been really busy with the assignments and classes I hope u guys understand that and thank u guys for ur love and support 
purple heart u all always stay happy and healthy 
I will try to update the next part soon till then bug out ! 

words : 985 

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