As if it were just the two of us

Start from the beginning

"You're too kind" I reply back, with a slight European accent.

"No seriously...that was perfect!" Barry says excitedly, before moving his hand over his mouth to cover a yawn. "I'm sorry I didn't get much sleep yesterday...I was kinda nervous" Barry's says, chuckling softly.

"Well that's completely understandable, it is your bag day after all" I say, giving him a warm smile.

"God, I can't believe this is actually happening....I'm actually getting married" Barry says, with a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice, as he moves to sit down on the alter.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" I ask, as I make my way to sit next to him.

"Yeah-yeah of course!" Barry exclaims quickly, "I've been dreaming of this moment for years...but know that it's actually happening it just feels so surreal" Barry says as he nervously taps at the wood surface of the floor "and a bit-nerve wracking to say the least" Barry adds chuckling a-bit.

"You might be feeling nervous now, but as soon as you watch Iris walk down the aisle your only thought is gonna be about how amazing she looks" I say reassuring, "and when she makes her way to this very alter, you'll be so mesmerized by the look in her eyes, that all your nervousness will just disappear, and so will everything and everyone if it just the two of you" I say, not even noticing that during some part of me giving Barry a reassuring response, that I turned my attention to Mon-el...who was currently chatting near the front bench with Cisco, Oliver, and Felicity.

"Thanks Kara" Barry says, causing me to turn my gaze back towards him. "I know how hard it is for you to be here right now, but I'm really glad you came"

"Like I said, I wouldn't miss it for the world" I say, with a soft smile, as I move my index finger up to my nose to adjust my glasses.

"You should get seated the ceremony's about to start" Barry's remarks gently, as he moves to get up.

"Okay, good luck up there" I say as I also rise up from the alter, "and I'll be waiting for your signal" I add, before moving to head to the front row, where Mon-el is already waiting for me.

"Hi" Mon-el says with a warm smile adorning his charming face.

"Hi" I reply back, with what I hope is a convincing smile. Ever since last night, things between me and Mon-el have been...a little awkward, we haven't been talking as much, I can't even manage to keep eye contact with him for more than a few seconds, and I'm trying my best to keep a respective distance between us, but that's kind of hard to do when I invited him here to be my plus one.

"Here, I saved you a seat" Mon-el says softly, as he gently pats the right side of him.

"Thanks" I reply warmly, as I move to sit next to him, ––give of take three inches–– on the pew.

After a couple minutes of sitting in an unbearable silence. Barry finally nods his head towards me, indicating that it's time for my to make way up the platform near the alter.

"I'll be right back" I quickly say to Mon-el as I make my way up to the stage and to the microphone. After a few seconds the big wooden doors in the front of the church open revealing and as that happens I turn my gaze towards Barry, just in time to see him flash me and the orchestra a confirming nod, that tells us we can start.

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