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"Chaeyoungieee, I'm hungry. Buy me foowds pweaseu."I pout and do aegyo. We are riding her car going home already but I saw a Food stall. Uwu. I'm hungry.

" Call me unnie first. "Aishhh but... I want food, I'm hungry.

" Rosé unnie please pretty please. " I. Hate. It.! Chae just smile and pat my head just like   puppy.

" Good girl. "I rolled my eyes on her.

" So.. I want to eat nowww. let's go let's go! "I wait for her to step on the break but she didn't.

" What? I said let's eat, I'm hungry! "I look at her but she laugh.

" Ohh.. Lisa.. I'm your unnie now so... You'll follow what I said...As your unnie, I know what's best for you.... Get it?."... It's a trap for f sake... ARGHHHH..

After 15 minutes

" Get out now baby sis. "She said with a bit teasing tone. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

" Ohh, Is my baby sis sulking. Uwu... You're so uglyyy.. HAHAHAHHA. ".. Well  atleast I didn't expect her too called me cute. I know you Chaeyoung.

" Baby sis my ass. "I said and get out of the car. I slammed the door and get inside of the house.

" Yowww, I'm gonna teach you how to cook."She said while smiling.

" I know how to. "I said amd rolled my eyes.

" But you almost burnt the kitchen last time you cook,! So imma gonna teach you. "Aishhh..

" But it's just 'almost' I didn't burn the whole kitchen. "I said reasoning, 'cause All I want is to eat right now!

" Yeahh, But... You burnt a goddam egg! Just a egg! "She said, she's so persistent.

" You're right just an egg, No more. Just a egg. "I said and about to walk upstairs When I heared a little sniff.

" Y-you th-think its just a egg!? What about its future! If you didn't buy an egg it would turn into a hen! You didn't kill just an egg Lisa! You killed its future babies too! You kill-"  Damn it! It's just a fcking egg! for f sake. I just want to eat!.. HUHHUUHUULHUH... I walk back to hwr and hug her.

" Shh.. Stop crying now, Alright alright. I'll let you teac-"I shush her. She cutted me off and break the hug and jump around while clapping.

" Yehheeyyy! No more kitchen burnings, No more burn eggs! HOORAYYYY! BABY EGGS JUSTICE IS ON YOUR SIDE NOWWWW.. HOOHOOO,!! LET'S GO! LET'S GOO! "All I can do is just to face-palm. Damn, Just thankful we're not in public 'cause of we are, Im gonna disown her.


" Unnie can you please hand me the.. Umm... Eierschlensollbruchestelenverursacher"I forgot what's the name of it..

"The what? Erschollnahyefyfowncher?" She said while her face is a confuse one.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHA... The Eierschlensollbruchestelenverursacher"
She give me a what the hell are you saying look.

"This?" She said while holding the bowl. I shook my head.

"This?" This time it's a pan. I shook my head.

"This?" Ohhh, yeahh it's the Eierschlensollbruchestelenverursacher thing.

"Yeahh! Thank go-Ouchhh." I was smack by a chipmunk.


"Ouchh! It's not EIRSSCHIEOBDVYFOWVDCHER it's Eierschlensollbruchestelenv-ouchh" She keeps on hitting me with her hands.

"Ahhsshhhhhhh shhhhhh.. Stop! Get out of the kitchen you're useless in everything dumb! Get out!".... Yassss! Planned worked.. Yahoooooooo... HAHAHAHAH.. I get out of the kitchem while laughing I heared Rosé murmuring Things just like. "She's so useless!, She make me look like a fool! What the hell is eischeuriabvdchersnev? shit! I don't know how to pronounce that shit!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.. I'M NOT A MANOBAN FOR NOTHING... AWTSSS.. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.....

I walk to the couch and turn on the T. V. Should I watch or play? Hmm.. Arghh.. hard to decide... Oki... I'll just watch movies..

After 20 minutes....

I keep on yawning like every minute I yawn For 3 times.... Aishh..

"Hey! All done now come here, let's eat!" I heared Chae shouted but.. I want to finish these movie..

"Hey! What ya doin'? Let's eat." She said while looking at the T. V.

"Pshh.. What are you watching? Moana? Ohh hilarious... HAHAHAHAHHA... Moana... Ahhahahahahhaha.. SO Gurly gurly.. Opss.. HAHAAHHAHA." She's laughing all by herself looking like a dumb shit. Like what she is... Park Dumb could be her name.

"Let me change the Channel." She said and get the remote and change the channel.

"Yahh! Park!" She stick her tongue and sit beside me.

"Phinnease and Ferb? Like, what?" She rolled her eyes and focuse on the T. V.

"I have something to tell you about that cartoon, It's so amazing." She look at me eyes sparkling.

"For real? Yeheyy! Tell me." She positioned herself and I cleared my throat.

"They are real," She almost screamed but she covered her mouth.

"But! One of them died. And you know Their sister, She's saying she saw them doing those things and their mom never sees them cause they are dead." Her eyes is sparkling, tears are slowly streaming, she's sobbing. Oh no... I move a little bit and hug her. She cried on my shoulders.


" Sshhhhhhhh.. shhhhhh. Please stop crying... "She keeps on hitting me, ouch my backkkkkk.....

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... stoppppppppppppp ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! opeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! "She bit my shoulder while hitting me over and over again.

We ended up in bed... Ohh don't be green minded! Yuck! I'll never ever do it with that dramatic dumb shit gay Park. She's on yhe other room and I'm on my own room. Laying down staring at the ceiling,still wondering. Why yhe hell Kim Jisoo is glaring at me!?Like I stole something from her!! I don't knowwwwwww....

I should sleep, I don't want to be late again. Night night people,...

Lol. Armys is so funny,.. HAHAHAHAHA.. I should tell my parents that I We are already a millionaire.. Hahhahaahahhaha.. bLiNks AnD ExO-L Paid Google.. Oh hahahahhahahah... we are so damn rich! First YG paid youtube and now We blinks and Exo-L paid Google... Ohh please,.... You guys always say it....What did we do?! YG! Blinks! Exo-L.. Oki, oki.. We are so damn rich we used Mercedes-Benz just to buy an ice next block.. Yeahh! So damn rich we ate gold shit! HAPPY NOW!?! We are richer than YG CAUSE BLINKS AND EXO-L PAID GOOGLE DAWWWW! Sanaollllll sanaolllllll! ano yan!?

Anong ibabayad namin kay Google abir!? Jammin?! Jerrys!?🙄.. Oh baka naman dahon! Marami dito,... Iwan ko sainyo..Pero kalma lang tayo, ang puso.. JAHAHAHHAHAHA.. BLACKPINK IS COMING BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...... KALMA LANG BLINKS... HAHAHAHHAHAHAA.. BAKA MA HIGHBLOOD KAYO WAG NAMAN... HAHAHHAHAHAH...

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