Chapter One

Depuis le début

Well ... anywho we will need housing for three months, so I need to find temporary housing for the entire stage crew.

" I know I read it somewhere, yawl do offer three-month leases here, correct?

"Ms. Della of course, how many apartments will you need?

Well, now honey, let's see... I'd like to have at least five different units.

"Oh Dear, I have ten Queens and I do mean, Queens that need to be comfortable, so that they can perform well, you see..."

Sheldon laughed a clearly factious chuckle in the opinion of Dru. His fakeness observed by her seem to go unnoticed by the hefty women yet seem to put her a little more at ease as she watched Ms. Washington waddle her behind theatrically in her chair with glee.

"Hey, are you part of the actors from "Three Men in One Dress" the play coming in September?"

The women cleared her throat and crossed her thick stocking legs and replied in a hefty yet somehow soft voice.

"I believe you are right again Honey! Have you seen the play yet?"

As a matter of fact, I have! My fiancé and I saw it in New York and you

all preformed awesomely!

They chatted on while Drucilla stood by feeling useless before Sheldon finally took the woman on a tour of the community.

The Property Manager Tracie Rose rushed out her office as soon as she heard the glass doors shut.

Tracie was slim however raucously framed in some places giving her a physique of a true old fashion Coca-Cola bottle. Her pale with dark brownish shoulder length locks which had a couple of streaks of exquisite red sparkling through it that mixed though out her hair that meet her shoulder blades.

At first glimpse her hair looked to be a fuzzy curly mess of curls except the mesh of hair seemed suitable to Tracie's personality and somehow made it a perfect fit for her face and personality.

"Oh, poor little Drucilla, I suppose I left out the fact we are totally a retro community.

He is such a great actor have you seen the play?"

"He. He...?" Drucilla remarked with an obscure look on her oval face.

"Come now Drew, you didn't think that was actually a woman, did you?

She frowned, then suddenly smiled.... Oh my gosh.... that was a man? You got to be kidding me."

"Yes honey, you have to get used to it because technically you can't say it legally according to fair housing, but this is a Gaymunity Gayeighborhood.

"Welcome to The Heights at Peyton Place doll!"

The first few months Peyton Place took so time getting use too, Drucilla was totally mesmerized with her new job.

It was a lot different from the places she'd worked in the past and it seemed to have an adventure going on each morning as she walked through the glass pained wooden doors.

The next few mornings at Peyton seemed to be somewhat normal. The community was her eyes like every other community she'd worked in and she began to know it like the back of her hand.

Except men had boyfriends and sometimes came in saying my partner, some even referred to their mate's as their better half or the old ball and chain. A few women wondered into the sprinkled group of residents with of course their wives. Oddly enough due to the excellent well-known school zone, there were a few straight families living in the Gayborhood but not many.

Monroe Drive Apartments Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant